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From: Keaven Kos
To: Anyone Msg #2, 20-Nov-88 10:34pm
Subject: bsave and bload on herc
I'm having a problem saving a Graphic screen to a file,even using the example
in the manual.It gives me an err=67"To Many Files" or err=6 "Overflow".
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: Project X SD, Inc. -- Home of QBTOOLS 1(215)879-8225 (1:150/613)
From: Marshall Dubois
To: Bob Jones Msg #3, 18-Nov-88 11:01am
Subject: Re: BASIC Tools
Maybe this will help:
1. Use a Define Function (DEF FN) routine.
2. Ditto
3. They're off in never-never land. Try a FIX routine.
4. Use the FILES command.
5. Create whatever you want on your favorite word processor.
You can use text graphics, anything. Save it in ASCII.
Import it into QB and presto! All done.
6. I don't mind calls from time to time. (813) 966-1252.
* Origin: The Back Door - At The Aerodrome - Englewood, FL (Opus 1:137/25)
*** There is a reply. See #12.
From: Mark Fishman Of 930/5
To: Everyone Msg #4, 12-Nov-88 09:49am
Subject: QB4 & BATCH FILES
What I would like to do is from a QB4 program set dos environmentvariable such
as %1. I understand that when the QB4 program ends, the DOS environment table
is restored to what it was when the programbegan. Is there any way around
this, or is this not correct? Any help would be most appreciative.
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: SiLicon City RBBS(214)641-2537<HST> Home of SIDroids (1:930/5)
From: Carl Ehmann
To: David Tucker Msg #5, 19-Nov-88 02:09pm
Subject: Re: LICENSING
Microsoft says that stand-alone programs can be sold without license.
When using the Brun form, they as only for a copywrite credit at sign-on of
the program. It's all in the license agreement that comes with the compiler.
--- TBBS v2.0
* Origin: G.A.D.M. Multi-User TBBS Hayward,CA.(415) 581-3019 (161/208)
*** There is a reply. See #10.
From: David West
To: Jim Cordrey Msg #6, 22-Nov-88 08:48am
Subject: Re: QuickBASIC 4.5 BUG???
Now I have version 4.5, and I see that neither of my proposed solutions solve
the bug problem. What does work is to add .500001 instead of
.5 in the algorithm. Evidently the internal representation of the
interim computation of 100*45.455 +.5 is less than 45.46 so the
int function chops it off to 45.45. Adding slightly more than .5 seems to
solve the problem.
I use to think it was kind of cute working around the bugs in Microsoft basic,
but ten years later the cuteness is wearing a little thin.
Keep on posting any additional bugs/problems with 4.5
* Origin: Nick's Nest, Vadnais Hts, MN (612) 490-1187 (Opus 1:282/3)
*** There is a reply. See #126.
From: David Tucker
To: Mike Janke Msg #7, 20-Nov-88 06:25pm
Subject: Re: Effects
Sounds feasible. Got any ideas how to COMPLETELY disable the BREAK key and
the DELETE key?
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: The Beach Board (Ft Myers Bch FL) HST QBBS DBridge (1:371/1)
*** There is a reply. See #17.
From: Bill Hliwa
To: Eli Goldberg Msg #8, 21-Nov-88 12:44pm
Subject: Re: strings and dynamic memory
EG: I could have sworn if I use a REM $DYNAMIC and the /AH
EG: option at compile time that the BASCOM 6 compiler will
EG: let my dimensioned variables use the outer 640k
EG: (beyond basic's normal 64k limit).
BASIC will ignore the REM $DYNAMIC in the following code:
DIM A$(5000)
A$() WILL be a STATIC array! Why? Because BASIC still doesn't know how much
room A$() will take; it will depend on the size of EACH element of A$(). You
could do this, however:
DIM A$(5000) AS STRING * 10
But, now each element of A$() will have a max length of 10. In this case,
BASIC now knows the EXACT size of A$() (roughly 50K) and can put it in dynamic
It's a trade-off: using static arrays, with very efficient packing of
character data; or using dynamic arrays, which can be very large, but not
necessarily memory efficient.
--- Sirius 1.0k
* Origin: SUNY at Buffalo's *Med TechNet* 716/897-0504 (1:260/10.0)
*** There is a reply. See #19.
From: Bill Hliwa
To: David Tucker Msg #9, 21-Nov-88 12:53pm
Subject: Re: AdvBas 4.0
DT: If you use QB /l library.qlb (or *.lib) does that
DT: library have to accompany the program wherever it
DT: goes?
First, on the QB command line, only QLB lib's may be specified (not .LIB's):
QB /L library.QLB.
Then, when you go to compile, the corresponding library.LIB is needed. In
other words, to use the QB editor and then perform subsequent compiles, you
will need TWO libraries: xyz.QLB and xyz.LIB.
The library will only be necessary when running the QB editor and when
compiling; the compiling process "sucks" out all the necessary code from the
library, and is NOT required thereafter (to run the resulting EXE, that is).
--- Sirius 1.0k
* Origin: SUNY at Buffalo's *Med TechNet* 716/897-0504 (1:260/10.0)
*** There is a reply. See #20.
From: Bill Hliwa
To: David Tucker Msg #10, 21-Nov-88 12:58pm
Subject: Re: Licensing
DT: Can one legally sell compiled BASIC programs
DT: commercially? I see PC Magazine's BenchMarks are
DT: compiled BASIC, but they include the BRUN?? file. I
DT: guess that's they way to do it. HELP!! I saw that C
DT: and I think PASCAL require the purchase of RUNTIME
DT: libraries.
Two options: compile to an EXE REQUIRING the runtime library and distribute
BOTH (your EXE and BRUN.EXE); or compile to a standalone EXE (yielding a
larger program). Both are "legal" distribution techniques, commercially.
--- Sirius 1.0k
* Origin: SUNY at Buffalo's *Med TechNet* 716/897-0504 (1:260/10.0)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Jonathan Kemble
To: Dave Cleary Msg #11, 18-Nov-88 06:11pm
Subject: Re: Editor Writen In Basic
Well, depending on what kind of BASIC you use, there can be many
ways to use the arrow keys. You can use INKEY$ - it will return a two
character string, the first character is the ASCII 0, the second is the scan
code. The scan codes for the arrow keys on an IBM PC are something like 44,
46, 67, and 49 hex. They're listed in the back of the QB 4.0 manual. Use can
also use DOS calls, but it's a little more involved. Probably the easiest way
to get it to work is to use the Wordstar <tm> method - control characters. The
source code I have uses routines which call FOSSIL functions for the BBS, so I
don't think you'll want that, but the word-wrap and insert routines are there
if you want them.
* Origin: The Hub Killingworth,CT. 9600 HST (Opus 1:141/110)
*** There is a reply. See #175.
From: Jonathan Kemble
To: Dave Cleary Msg #12, 18-Nov-88 06:26pm
Subject: Re: BASIC Tools
> There is a way to stuff the numbers into a string with
> a print using format specifier, but if you are storing the
> numbers as numbers, there is now way around it.
Objection! Actually, you can do a PRINT # USING "##.#", or whatever, I'm quite
sure. If you can't you can always multiply by ten, round and divide by ten
again ... but I really don't like that method myself.
* Origin: The Hub Killingworth,CT. 9600 HST (Opus 1:141/110)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Jonathan Kemble
To: Rich Messina Msg #13, 18-Nov-88 06:32pm
Subject: Re: chaining programs
Chaining and keeping variables is a snap (ah-hem). You have to be
VERY careful, because one little bug in the declarations can cause literally
hours of frustration. First, I assume your programs are all single module
programs. If they aren't you'll have to be careful. The COMMON statement does
the trick. You have to declare any variables in that statement, before any
executable code, and both the declarations in each program have to be EXACTLY
the same. If you are using arrays, they have to be static in both or dynamic
in both. If the variable is a static array, then DIM it before the common
statements (in both programs). If it's dynamic, DIM it after the COMMONS (in
both again). Also, if you are using QB version 4.0 and not version 4.0b, then
make sure you DO NOT use any odd-length variables (of any kind at all), or a
bug in QB will cause it to crash - you need to reboot from the much-hated
'String space corrupt' message it will throw at you. Good luck...
* Origin: The Hub Killingworth,CT. 9600 HST (Opus 1:141/110)
*** There is a reply. See #27.
From: Dave Cleary
To: Jonathan Kemble Msg #14, 19-Nov-88 09:15am
Subject: Re: BASIC Tools
> >
> > There is a way to stuff the numbers into a string with
> > a print using format specifier, but if you are storing the
> > numbers as numbers, there is now way around it.
> Objection! Actually, you can do a PRINT # USING "##.#", or whatever, I'm
> quite sure. If you can't you can always multiply by ten, round and divide
> by ten again ... but I really don't like that method myself.
If the numbers are stored as a 4 byte single or 8 byte double, you can't use
print using. Print using stores it as an ascii string on disk.
Later Dave
--- msged 1.94L MSC
* Origin: Deadmans Point on Treasure Island (1:141/730.1)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Tom Smith
To: David Tucker Msg #15, 22-Nov-88 04:12pm
Subject: QB Libraries
When invoking QB with the /l parameter, you are loading the appropriate
library into memory such that you can run within the environment. When you've
worked out all the bugs and are ready to make the executable file, compile as
usual, then link the object code to the object code of your library. This
will incorporate the library into your code and will make it unnecessary to
send the library with the EXE file. Libraries are DEFINITELY the way to go.
They'll save you hours of programming, making your most used routines easily
transportable between applications.
* Origin: Icarus: Iowa City - Go Hawkeyes (Opus 1:283/657)
From: Tom Smith
To: David Tucker Msg #16, 22-Nov-88 04:18pm
Subject: Re: Licensing
By compiling with the BCOM libraries, your program will function stand-alone
and will not require the BRUN library to be present. This is the way that
public domain programs that you download from your board are done.
* Origin: Icarus: Iowa City - Go Hawkeyes (Opus 1:283/657)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Tom Smith
To: David Tucker Msg #17, 22-Nov-88 04:20pm
Subject: Re: Effects
It is not easy to make the screen shake. What you are talking about is direct
writing to video memory. Like scrolling screens, it can be done, but I don't
have enough hours to explain how to do it. Suggest you do some reading on
* Origin: Icarus: Iowa City - Go Hawkeyes (Opus 1:283/657)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Andy Flatt
To: Key Trappers Msg #18, 23-Nov-88 06:02pm
Subject: bug
Microsoft won't admit to this, but in QB 4.00b (I won't buy 4.5 unless
other people have laid the groundwork first!), if you're trying to trap
certain keys...such as CTRL-BREAK or reboot or even CTRL-C, the trapping
will not work correctly if the user happens to have CAPS or NUM lock on.
They said it was a known problem in V2 and V3, but "had no comments about
V4". They also said it only was a problem in the environment, not when you
compiled the program externally.
Well, guess what. Environment or no, V4.00b won't handle key trapping
correctly if the user has NUM or CAPS on. I reported it back to Microsoft,
and they seemed genuinely baffled.
I swear at one time or another, I saw a fix for this...was it in a MicroHelp
newsletter? I can't find it. Anyway, do you have any ideas on how to get
around this problem?
Andy Flatt, sysop NightHawk BBS, Iowa City, IA. 319/338-2961.
* Origin: Icarus: Iowa City - Go Hawkeyes (Opus 1:283/657)
From: Dave Cleary
To: Eli Goldberg Msg #19, 22-Nov-88 04:55pm
Subject: strings and dynamic memory
> Could someone help me before I go out of my mind?
> I could have sworn if I use a REM $DYNAMIC and the /AH option at compile
> time
> that the BASCOM 6 compiler will let my dimensioned variables use the
> outer 640k (beyond basic's normal 64k limit).
> I have written a program that reads in a file from disk into an array,
> E$()
> line by line, using a PROBAS routine SFREAD (string read from file) and
> it seems with large files (beyond 64k in size) the program will crash
> with an
> out of string space error!!! What the heck is going on?! I have tried
> everything but nothing works.... what am I overlooking?
> Eli
Variable length strings are stuck in the 64k default data seg no matter what
you do. This is because a string is actually a string descriptor that consists
of an offset adress to the data and the length of the string. The way I got
around this by using probas is to use DFREAD and read it all into an integer
array. Then I used DGETREC to get the integer data into a variable string
format (I.E. A$ instead of A*10). With Probas, you can read anything you want
into a dynamic integer array and put it in any format you need.
Later Dave
--- msged 1.94L MSC
* Origin: Deadmans Point on Treasure Island (1:141/730.1)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Dave Cleary
To: David Tucker Msg #20, 22-Nov-88 05:02pm
Subject: Re: AdvBas 4.0
> If you use QB /l library.qlb (or *.lib) does that library have to
> accompany the program wherever it goes?
It used to be that way with the older versions when the userlibraries had an
extension of .EXE . Now you need to link in Library.LIB when running outside
the enviroment. QB will automatically put your whole user library into your
program whether it needs it or not if you compile within the enviroment so I
suggest reading up about compiling and linking from DOS.
Later Dave
--- msged 1.94L MSC
* Origin: Deadmans Point on Treasure Island (1:141/730.1)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Dave Cleary
To: David Tucker Msg #21, 22-Nov-88 05:07pm
Subject: Licensing
> Can one legally sell compiled BASIC programs commercially?
> I see PC Magazine's BenchMarks are compiled BASIC, but they include the
> BRUN?? file. I guess that's they way to do it.
> HELP!!
> I saw that C and I think PASCAL require the purchase of RUNTIME
> libraries.
I don't know about distributing the program with the BRUN module but if you
compile as a stand alone, you are free to do what you please.
Later Dave
--- msged 1.94L MSC
* Origin: Deadmans Point on Treasure Island (1:141/730.1)
*** This is a reply to #16.
From: Dave Cleary
To: Fabian Gordon Msg #22, 22-Nov-88 05:13pm
Subject: Zone 3
> * Origin: ZOIST-QuickBBS Melbourne Australia (3:633/360)
> SEEN-BY: 13/9 103/501 106/0 1 111 112 386 889 107/3 129/34 132/101
Fabian- Quik_Bas is international now?
Later Dave
--- msged 1.94L MSC
* Origin: Deadmans Point on Treasure Island (1:141/730.1)
*** There is a reply. See #63.
From: Mike Janke
To: Larry Stone Msg #23, 21-Nov-88 05:27pm
Subject: Re: ^Z removal
You are right of course. We often forget that the things that spill so easily
from our mouths are not so easily understood by someone new to the topic. To
you or I, something may seem so obviously clear, but to someone that doesn't
know what we're getting at... well, we do nothing but confuse matters more for
I have that problem since I'm a beginner at Pascal, so when I ask a question,
I know the feeling of being new. Some one answers... "Just do this and this"
and I have to respond... "whoa, back up and tell me what you mean by that".
Thanks for reminding me of that.
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: Kendall BBS - Miami's First QuickBBS 305-271-2146 (1:135/4)
*** There is a reply. See #59.
From: Miklos Bolvary
To: Eli Goldberg Msg #24, 20-Nov-88 09:36am
Subject: strings and dynamic memory
Hello Eli, if you ever get a solution to doing it this way I would also like
to know as I also was trying to do the same thing. What you said about the
$DYNAMIC and the /AH options are correct but it appears that the manual tells
you one thing and BASCOM 6 (or BASIC 6) does another.
Just for the record, I use QuickBasic 4.0b and it does exactly the same thing.
(Said he grinding teeth !!)
May I make a suggestion ? Open your file in BINARY ACCESS READ mode after
declaring a buffer variable (which will have a limit of 32K) and and adjust
your routines to work on that.
If you need to read in more than 32K, declare a few more 'buffer' variables to
hold the rest or read in the next 32K to the buffer variable when you have
finished with the first lot.
Australian QuickBASIC Co-Ordinator.
(AKA I'm slumming from my conference, because it's as dead as a doornail !)
--- FD 2.0
* Origin: What goes up comes down faster when frightened. (3:633/374)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Tim Krahling Of 261/1041
To: Everyone Msg #25, 22-Nov-88 10:55pm
Subject: QB 40 and RBBS
Using Quick Basic 4.0, I wrote a simple 5 line program.
10 line input "Yourname: "; yourname$
20 line input "Your address: "; address$
30 print yourname$
40 print address$
50 print "Stand by, returning to RBBS...."
Using COMMAND /C YOURNAME.EXE <COM1 >COM1 as the batch file to be
called from doors. BTW, BCOM40.LIB has been patched as per dox on
page 211 & 212 of RBBS dox. All codes & locations came out exactly
as they appear on those two pages. That's not the problem, I can
get back & forth without losing DTR. My problem is, that if I
hesitate at any of the line input prompts
I get little squares were I waited. Like one for
each tick of the clock, the longer I wait the more squares. If I
type a key and wait, I get a square between them. Also, I don't see
anything echoing back until I hit enter. Any help!!??
Thanks, Tim Krahling The Airport RBBS 301-675-7626 (300-2400).
--- ConfMail V3.31
* Origin: The Fisherman's Cove Keep on Bassin' (1:261/1041)
*** There is a reply. See #137.
From: David Rice
To: Eli Goldberg Msg #26, 22-Nov-88 04:23pm
Subject: strings and dynamic memory
EG> read from file) and it seems with large files (beyond 64k in size)
EG> the program will crash with an out of string space error!
Until you convert that string data into numeric and stuff it into
memory, you'll run out of string space every time. Use DGETREC and
DPUTREC to pass string arrays as integer numeric arrays (see page 106
of the ProBas manual). Also needed is DYNPTR.
What one does is read the data from the disk file into an array, point
to this array with DSEG and DOFS, convert the string array into integer
numeric array with DPUTREC, and get more data from the disk file.
open "stds.out" for random as #1 len = 200
file.size% = lof(1): 'get file size
record.size = 200 'set record size
close 1
File.To.Open$ = "STDS.OUT" + chr$(0): 'assign file name
call fopen(File.To.Open$,2,0,Handle%,err.code%) 'open data file
rem $DYNAMIC 'set dynamic
dim standards%(file.size%) 'set aside array
One.Bite$ = space$(record.size%) 'size of one record
call Sfread(Handle%,One.Bite$,bytes.read%,err.code%)
v! = varptr(standards%(1)) 'shove it into
call Dynptr(v!,dseg%,dofs%) ' integer variable
call Dputrec(dseg%,dofs%,record.number%,One.Byte$)
loop while record.number% <> (file.size% / record.size%): 'get all
while find$ <> "STOP"
input "Part Number: ";find$
found = 0
for a% = 1 to (file.size% / record.size%)
V! = varptr(standards%(1))
call Dynptr(v!,dseg%,dofs%)
One.Bite$ = space$(record.size%)
call dgetrec(dseg%,dofs%,a%,One.Byte$)
if instr(One.Byte$,find$) > 0 then
found = a%
exit for
end if
next a%
if found <> 0 then
' parse with cvi(), cvs(), cvd(), etc.
end if
if this doesn't help, give up.
* Origin: Bourbon St. West - WOC'n the Paradise (Opus 1:103/506)
*** This is a reply to #24.
From: Kevin V. Gibson Of 930/9
To: Rich Messina Msg #27, 21-Nov-88 10:25pm
You can pass variables by dumping them to a text file and then reading the
text file into the chained program. RBBS does it all the time with DOORS.
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Airborne System (1:930/9)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Charles Parvin
To: Peter Paul Msg #28, 22-Nov-88 02:12pm
Subject: Re: QB4.5
-> I also just received 4.5, with an order letter to send an
-> additional $27.45 for the manual!
If you have tried 4.5 what do you think of it? Is it worth upgrading to it
from version 4.0?
Also can anyone recommend a good screen painter/generator for QB?
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: THE EXTERMINATOR BBS (602)842-4635 (1:114/33)
*** There is a reply. See #78.
From: Mike Janke
To: Real Desfosses Msg #29, 23-Nov-88 12:17pm
Subject: Re: Doc's for MyEd.Bas
No, the 6 messages containing a program didn't bother me all that much... I
just didn't care to see 10 or 20k of docs spread out over another 6 or 7
messages. I think that's pushing the limits of echomail just a bit too much.
Thanks for your concern.
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: Kendall BBS - Miami's First QuickBBS 305-271-2146 (1:135/4)
*** There is a reply. See #30.
From: Real Desfosses
To: Mike Janke Msg #30, 18-Nov-88 10:24pm
Subject: Re: Doc's for MyEd.Bas
> Oh please, spare us. 6 LONG messages with a program was
> enough (actually too much) for echomail.
Well I was trying to help out the Guy. I didn't know if he was willing to call
long distance to Montreal,Quebec,Canada...
Sorry if the messages really bothered you, but again was just trying to help
out another user.
* Origin: Call Line Info Serv ! St.Bruno ! (514)461-3953 (Opus 1:167/251)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Real Desfosses
To: Stephen Maley Msg #31, 18-Nov-88 10:28pm
Subject: Re: MYED.BAS - PART 3 OF 6
Well first of all you are person no.2 that has been bothered by that. So read
my previous message....... Sorry guys, my mistake!
* Origin: Call Line Info Serv ! St.Bruno ! (514)461-3953 (Opus 1:167/251)
*** There is a reply. See #36.
From: David Looney
To: All Msg #32, 23-Nov-88 07:17am
Subject: Quick Libraries.
I need help in making up Quick libraries. I bought a book with
different routines for windowing, and what not, and needed to build
a .qlb file with mouse, casemap, interrupt routines in it. When I
used the example in the book I bought, and the example in the QB4.0
manual, I recieved a "Invalid Quick Library" error. Can anyone help
me in creating quick libraries? Any help would be appreciated.
* Origin: Fort Worth Opus [817 246-0959] (Opus 1:130/8)
*** There is a reply. See #66.
From: Dale Ziner
To: Kevin Watkins Msg #33, 25-Nov-88 09:42pm
Subject: Re: quick basic(a dead lauguage)
> IBM newest release for in the mid range system market,
> AS/400, does not support assembler. They state that you
> dont need it. I dont believe it.
Doesn't sound like IBM is trying to cut off the hand that feeds it
By the way; you wouldn't know how difficult it would be to port a source code
written in MS basic for a MAC to Quick Basic on a IBM ?
--- ConfMail V3.31
* Origin: C.O.N.T.R.O.L. « WOC'in the line » (612)591-7670 (1:282/15)
*** There is a reply. See #106.
From: George McBath
To: Keith Hess Msg #34, 25-Nov-88 07:53am
Subject: Comm routines
> Although I use Turbo Basic, I encounter the same problem many QuickBasic
> programmers encounter when writing a communications program. Anyways,
> since TB's and QB's I/O routines are inadequate for this (TB crashes in
> presence of line noise!) I thought that using a fossil driver such as
> used by Opus might help. I have tried to no avail to get it to work
> though. I initiate the com port and I get improper results.
> Does anybody have any ideas or info they can provide us?
Keith, you can FREQ a set of QBasic Fossil routines from 106/222 with the name
Hope this helps.
--- msged 1.943S ZTC
* Origin: The Swap Shop * A Texas Tradition * (713) 777 2977 (1:106/222)
*** There is a reply. See #54.
From: George McBath
To: All Msg #35, 25-Nov-88 11:04am
Subject: PCBoard loader
I am presently writing a program that will load PCBoard off of the command
line so that I may use it with Binkley. Is anyone else pursuing this kind of
project as I would like to exchange notes.
--- msged 1.943S ZTC
* Origin: The Swap Shop * A Texas Tradition * (713) 777 2977 (1:106/222)
*** There is a reply. See #144.
From: Stephen Maley
To: Real Desfosses Msg #36, 24-Nov-88 09:23am
Subject: Re: MYED.BAS - PART 3 OF 6
hahaha, I guess that you caught me on a long day, but I must confess, I didn't
purge them, one day when I have time I will look at all of them together. I
am fairly new to QB but I love it, it allows me to do all the things that I
always wanted to do in basic and couldn't....
. Steve
--- TBBS v2.0
* Origin: ALLERNET - Waiting for 2.1 - Odenton, Md. (261/1014 - HST) (261/101
*** This is a reply to #31.
From: Mike Janke
To: Tracy Mickley Msg #37, 29-Sep-88 12:50pm
I believe the update for QB 4.0 is 4.0b. It does correct a few small bugs
(com port routines, etc.), but it's my understanding that unless you call and
specifically complain about a bug that is giving you problems, they won't give
you the upgrade. I don't know if this is true as I haven't had any problems
yet and will patiently wait for the next release.
Your best bet is to call them up, tell them you have run into a problem with
QB 4.0 dropping DTR when you SHELL out of your program. I think that's one of
the bugs it corrected and they will most likely believe that you have actually
run into this bug.
I've done a LOT of programming in QB 4.0, and so far, I haven't really run
into anything that has been a problem for me. BUT, I guess I just don't
happen to use the things that cause the bug to show up.
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: Kendall BBS - Miami's First QuickBBS 305-271-2146 (1:135/4)
*** There is a reply. See #39.
From: Roger Smith
To: Leo Bores Msg #38, 02-Oct-88 08:54am
Subject: Re: Calling *.exe from qb
> This is probably a dumb question - but I missed it in the
> Doc's. How does one call another *.exe routine from within
> QB. Say someone wanted to write a stand-alone menu program
> that called other standa-alones?
But ... it'll cause problems running under DOS 2.xx and it'll eat up avaliable
memory quickly.
* Origin: RSBBS - Ranch Sea BBS - Ft. Walton Beach, FL (Opus 1:366/14)
*** There is a reply. See #56.
From: Joseph Landman
To: Mike Janke Msg #39, 30-Sep-88 09:14pm
I found somethings I think are bugs.
Many subroutines ins a very large program seem to crash the inteactive
session, by overwriting part of one subroutine area.
Also, after many times in the interactive session tweaking and fiddling
with a routine, the computer hangs when asked to run, using one of the quick
I have duplicated both of these on 3 different machines.
I have the 4.0b update. Unless you need it, it aint worth it. It took 2
months for them to ship it to me. It soent fix my problems, and the runtime
libs are not interchangable with 4.0. 4.0b is not worth getting.
v4.0 is not really thoughroughly supported now that v6.0 is out and
* Origin: The Lighthouse BBS; Lansing, Mich.; 517-321-0788 (Opus 1:159/950)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Tracy Mickley
To: Mike Janke Msg #40, 02-Oct-88 10:01am
That is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks. I am going to have to get the
update as I will be working on a COMM routine in the next few weeks and
something like that would have had me pulling out my hair.
--- TBBS v2.0
* Origin: TEXT bbs 816/228-9552 Kansas City (280/5)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Tom Martin
To: All Msg #41, 10-Oct-88 07:00pm
Subject: Poisson distribution
I am in need of a random number generator that draws from a poisson
distribution with a known (entered) mean. I have algorithms for doing this
with a normal distribution, but ... And I'm too harried to come up with one
of my own (I'm in the middle of my Ph.D written exams). Thanks for the
* Origin: Small Time BBS - Raleigh, NC 919-781-7047 (Opus 1:364/701)
From: Dale Barnes
To: All Msg #42, 12-Oct-88 03:43pm
Subject: Advbas99
Does anyone have the Source.arc and the crunch.* routines for the
Advbas99 routines. I have d/l three different sets of these routines
and so far they are missing these files. If you have a complete
set of these, please get in touch with me, they are needed for a one
time only program.
Dale Barnes
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: Home of Majik Board(tm) (HST) Shalimar, FL (NEC 366) (1:366/200)
From: Chris Henry
To: All Msg #43, 03-Oct-88 08:38pm
Subject: test message
test message please ignore
--- Tabby/MN 1.51
* Origin: RAM BBS-2nd Mac on FidoNet 414-632-3983 (7:450/2) (1:154/122)
From: Eli Goldberg
To: Tom Smith Msg #44, 08-Oct-88 06:10pm
Subject: Re: Differences between environment and command line compiles
> I have an application which uses object files provided by a
> hardware manufacturer. They are not yet compatible with
> version 4 so I have been using version 3 to do my work.
> when compiling from the command line with subsequent linking
> with the object files, the darned thing hangs up. What
> gives? Don't both versions of the compiler, especially with
YES! I have encountered the same problem.
When I compile the program internally or from the command line
the resulting EXE may perform strangely differently.....
This is with QB 3.0 (which I do like better than 4.0, sorry!)
and happens mostly when I use external libraries like ADVBAS.
I am told that compiling from the command line is more reliable.
* Origin: The BackDoor BBS: Gainesville, FL (Opus 365/60)
*** There is a reply. See #47.
From: Dale Barnes
To: All Msg #45, 15-Oct-88 10:21am
Subject: Probas
Anyone out there using ProBas routines? Need to talk to you about them.
Dale Barnes
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: Home of Majik Board(tm) (HST) Shalimar, FL (NEC 366) (1:366/200)
*** There is a reply. See #86.
From: Bill Swenson
To: Micah Bleecher Msg #46, 13-Oct-88 10:22am
Subject: Re: TSR code in basic
Get Turbo Pascal 4.0 or 5.0.
* Origin: SoundingBoard 713-821-4148 Houston `Just Say NOpus' (Opus 1:106/12)
From: Tom Smith
To: Eli Goldberg Msg #47, 13-Oct-88 08:42pm
Subject: Re: Differences between environment and command line compiles
The software supplier just provided me with a new version of their libraries
and the thing works perfectly now. I guess that their end was my biggest
problem. Oh, well, now I'm happy--not worried.
* Origin: Icarus: Iowa City - Go Hawkeyes (Opus 1:283/657)
*** This is a reply to #44.
From: Stephen Nichols
To: All Msg #48, 17-Oct-88 04:58pm
Subject: ADVBAS
I was wondering if anyone out there knows how to convert the two byte
CRC calculated in ADVBAS99 into a one byte CRC...???
* Origin: Z-Board Opus HST 919-833-7435 NCRTP (Opus 1:364/705)
From: David Hamm
To: All Msg #49, 27-Oct-88 04:20pm
Subject: BRUN40.exe
Does anybody know how I can get a copy of The quick basic file called
BRUN40.EXE. I've got a program that looks for this file and won't run without
it. Thanks David
* Origin: Little Chip OPUS R.T.P., NC (919)772-1277 (Opus 1:364/708)
*** There is a reply. See #53.
From: Wesley Williams
To: All Msg #50, 02-Nov-88 05:08am
Subject: Why doesn't QB 4.0 Compile standalone?
Why in the world will Quick Basic 4.0 only compile for me in the BRUN40 Mode?
I would like to stop having to use BRUN40.EXE.
does anyone know if Quick BASIC 4.5 can compile in standalone?
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: The Transfer Station - Nashville, TN - (615) 297-5611 (1:116/20)
*** There is a reply. See #51.
From: Wesley Williams
To: Mark Miller Msg #51, 05-Nov-88 09:56am
Subject: Re: Why doesn't QB 4.0 Compile standalone?
Thanks alot,
MY friend is the one who had the problem. Do you have QB 4.5?? It supposedly
got all those new things on it and stuff.
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: The Rendevous BBS -HST- The ECHO Link >- NEC-SDS -< (1:116/7)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Jeff Smith
To: All Msg #52, 05-Nov-88 05:03pm
Subject: Serial Communications
Please help,
I am trying to write a routine that will communicate with another computer
over a 1200 baud serial port with no handshaking. I have tryed to use the ON
COM interupt to capture incomming data. I am trying to send a hex file to the
other computer and it echo's data back to me. The trouble is I seem to have
to program in delays to catch the proper characters or a whole string of
characters. Anyway if anyone out there has used ON COM in a serial routine
befor your advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Lots
Jeff Smith
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: The Transfer Station: We be hubbin' (615)-297-5611 (1:116/2000)
*** There is a reply. See #74.
From: David Hamm
To: All Msg #53, 08-Nov-88 12:36pm
Subject: BRUN40.EXE
I'm looking for the runtime programe for Quick Basic . The program I'm tring
to run wants BRUN40.exe. Does anybody have this file that could upload it on
this board. Thanks.
* Origin: Little Chip OPUS R.T.P., NC (919)772-1277 (Opus 1:364/708)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Keith Hess
To: All Msg #54, 11-Nov-88 01:01am
Subject: Comm routines
Although I use Turbo Basic, I encounter the same problem many QuickBasic
programmers encounter when writing a communications program. Anyways, since
TB's and QB's I/O routines are inadequate for this (TB crashes in presence of
line noise!) I thought that using a fossil driver such as used by Opus might
help. I have tried to no avail to get it to work though. I initiate the com
port and I get improper results.
Does anybody have any ideas or info they can provide us?
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: The Star Chamber (1:112/10)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Carl Ehmann
To: Rich Messina Msg #55, 22-Nov-88 09:11am
That's the way I understand it also. I did try passing between stand alone
pgms. and it didn't work.
--- TBBS v2.0
* Origin: G.A.D.M. Multi-User TBBS Hayward,CA.(415) 581-3019 (161/208)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Tim Aaberg
To: Leo Bores Msg #56, 27-Nov-88 12:02pm
Subject: Re: Calling *.exe from qb
LB> This is probably a dumb question - but I missed it in the
LB> Doc's. How does one call another *.exe routine from within
LB> QB. Say someone wanted to write a stand-alone menu program
LB> that called other standa-alones?
This is a kinda long way around your problem, but it will allow you to do what
you want without having to lose available memory while your menu program lurks
around in memory when the other programs are running..
Call your menu program from a batch file. Then when you select an option from
the menu, have the menu program create another batch file that's called from
the first and end.
Something like:
Echo Off
Menu %1
Then, MENU will create the file OTHERBAT.BAT and execute that when the menu
program exits. The %1 after MENU is for you to pass something to the menu
program to disable any opening screens you may have when OTHERBAT.BAT
re-executes the original batch file.
OTHERBAT.BAT might look something like this:
Echo Off
MenuBat NoOpening
This way you don't have to worry about memory being lost to the menu system
hanging around, and you can create new menu options easily by just adding them
to a control file that essentially consists of a bunch of batch files strung
together (ala Novell).
If you go with something like this, you will want to pick as obscure a name as
possible for the OTHERBAT.BAT file to prevent the possibility of name
conflicts, and overwriting an existing batch file that might be needed for
another purpose.
--- ConfMail V3.31
* Origin: C.O.N.T.R.O.L. « WOC'in the line » (612)591-7670 (1:282/15)
*** This is a reply to #38.
From: Kevin Watkins
To: David Tucker Msg #57, 18-Nov-88 08:11am
Subject: Re: AdvBas 4.0
DT>If you use QB /l library.qlb (or *.lib) does that library have
DT>to accompany the program wherever it goes?
NO, unless you send the source code and the other party does not have a
similar library. The library is only required when compiling or editing in
the QB enviorment.
* Origin: ▒▓░ Freedom One - Jonesboro, AR ▒▓░ (Opus 1:389/6)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Mike Janke
To: David Tucker Msg #58, 19-Nov-88 03:18pm
Subject: Re: Effects
> Has anyone seen any program, that shakes the display?
> I think I saw one of the KING'S QUEST's do it. It looked
I think what they probably do is just redraw the screen a few pixels lower and
then a few pixels higher. By using direct writes to the video buffer the
effect would be instantaneous and the whole screen would appear to move. I'll
bet that if you tried, you could get the same effect with PROBAS by storing a
few screens (screens that were slightly lower and slightly higher) in ram and
then switching 'em in and out.
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: Kendall BBS - Miami's First QuickBBS 305-271-2146 (1:135/4)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Larry Stone
To: Mike Janke Msg #59, 18-Nov-88 10:28pm
Subject: Re: ^Z removal
I have to agree with you that MKI$ and CVI are a more cumbersome method to use
than the TYPE statement. I should have been clearer as to the reason I
mentioned that users.security would only work if called within the same
subprogram (or as you have replied, included as a parameter in the CALL
syntax) is to assist any "novice" with the construction of the TYPE statement.
As you pointed out in your example, by DIMmentioning an alias for the users
TYPE, the alias can then be called within any subprogram within the module
(however, it may not necessarily be callable from other modules linked to the
main module). By using the DIM syntax, the alias is automatically shared with
the other subroutines, in the same manner as OPENning a file and discovering
that the file handle is CALLable from any of the other subroutines.
Your original message established, in my mind, your competency with QB. My
hope was/is that, through this exchange, others may aquire enhanced
programming skills with QB.
Possibly, a better way to express the idea of the alias is to show a TYPE
defined as, let say, Employees, then DIMention Employees AS WorkForce. Then,
a record within this TYPE, SSnumber for example, would "cross" subroutine
boundaries by being referenced as:
Again, your reference was quite good, but when you DIMentioned user AS users,
then made the CALL to users, it may have caused some confusion.
All because of the extra "s" in "user". |-)
I hope that this letter doesn't further confuse others who are trying to learn
my favorite programming tool - QB.
* Origin: ╬ CfC#16 ╬ Coos Bay 503/269-1935 (8:7000/16) ╬ (Opus 1:152/18)
*** This is a reply to #23.
From: Rich Messina
To: Carl Ehmann Msg #60, 20-Nov-88 12:16am
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: The BlackMarket - Methuen, MA (508)682-0133 (1:322/115)
*** This is a reply to #55.
From: Bob Fletcher
To: Miklos Bolvary Msg #61, 19-Nov-88 08:26pm
Subject: Re: Setting DOS ERRORLEVELs in QuickBasic.
Hi Miklos:
Thanks a lot for that routine on setting errorlevels. I don't
know why QuickBASIC never had a function inbuilt for that. Anyway
Errorlevels are great for controling batch files and this realy helps.
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: ZOIST-QuickBBS Melbourne Australia (3:633/360)
From: Net 107 EchoMail Coordinator Of 107
To: Real Desfosses Msg #62, 24-Nov-88 03:04am
Subject: Re: Your apology
> Well first of all you are person no.2 that has been bothered
> by that. So read my previous message....... Sorry guys, my
> mistake!
You seem to be listening to the wrong people. I recall when this echo was
started there was a lot of "are we going to see any code here?" and "how about
some code so we can see what other people are doing". Now somebody puts some
code in the echo and people complain. I've seen nothing in this echo from the
moderator asking that you don't do it again. I don't mean to imply by this
that everyone should start dumping code in the echo, but a genuine, possibly
useful (short) program or routine certainly can't hurt us too much. I haven't
looked at your code yet, but since I have nearly every message (since Fabian
began the echo) archived, I'll be able to check it out when I have the time.
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: NECho Wafer (1:107/3)
*** There is a reply. See #84.
From: Fabian Gordon
To: Dave Cleary Msg #63, 23-Nov-88 10:41pm
Subject: Re: Zone 3
> Fabian- Quik_Bas is international now?
As far as I know, it has been passed to Europe for about 4 months now.
--- XyWrite III+
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Quick Basic Echo Moderator - DB/Opus/HST/PCP (1:107/323)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Fabian Gordon
To: Miklos Bolvary Msg #64, 23-Nov-88 10:44pm
Subject: QuickBASIC Conferences
> Miklos.G.Bolvary,
> Australian QuickBASIC Co-Ordinator.
> (AKA I'm slumming from my conference, because it's as
> dead as a doornail !) conf')
Hmmm, maybe we ought to consider cross-linking our QuickBASIC areas? Mine is
doing an average of (roughly) 15 messages per day.
Fabian Gordon - QUIK_BAS Moderator
--- XyWrite III+
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Quick Basic Echo Moderator - DB/Opus/HST/PCP (1:107/323)
*** There is a reply. See #83.
From: Fabian Gordon
To: Real Desfosses Msg #65, 23-Nov-88 10:48pm
Subject: Re: Doc's for MyEd.Bas
> Sorry if the messages really bothered you, but again
> was just trying to help out another user.
Gee, did you hear the Conference Moderator say anything?
--- XyWrite III+
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Quick Basic Echo Moderator - DB/Opus/HST/PCP (1:107/323)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Mike Kirchner
To: David Looney Msg #66, 25-Nov-88 09:48am
Subject: Re: Quick Libraries.
Can't help much with the casemap or mouse, but if your using inetrrupts you
need to start QB with the /l qb.qlb option to get at CALL interrupt(x).
Try starting it up this way, open your source file and select Make Lib from
the run menu. qb.qlb will be included in your new LIB/QLB.
interrupt(x) will allow you to get at int 10h for window clears, scrolls,
Hope this helps,
* Origin: Field Street BBS Dalton, MA 413-684-1938 (Opus 1:321/212)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Mike Kirchner
To: Anyone Msg #67, 25-Nov-88 07:08pm
Subject: Interrupt 21h Function 11h
Can anyone suggest a fix to this code. I've been wrestling with it forever.
Tyring to use Function 11h to find the first file match.
'======== Find DiskTransferArea =========
InRegs.ax = &H2F00
CALL interruptx(&H21,InRegs,OutRegs)
dtaseg = OutRegs.es
dtaoff = OutRegs.bx
'======== Set DiskTransferArea ==========
InRegs.ax = &H1A00
InRegs.ds = dtaseg
InRegs.dx = dtaoff
CALL interruptx(&H21,InRegs,OutRegs)
'====== Search First Match ===============
b$ = chr$(0) + "???????????" + chr$(0)
InRegs.ax = &H1100
InRegs.dx = VARPTR(b$)
InRegs.ds = VARSEG(b$)
CALL interruptx(&H21,InRegs,OutRegs)
'check for no files
al = (OutRegs.ax MOD 256)
if al = 255 then
print "No Files - Press A Key";
end if
I keep getting a ruturn value in al of 255, or no files. Tried setting up a
LNA for strings also without success. Was setting up a new DTA scratch area
for file name return. Have now tried ( as you can see
) using the existing DTA to work from. Function 11h requires a DTA
set before the call as far as I can tell which is why I'm setting to the area
found in the prior code block.
Any help would be very appreciated. Been messing with this in various ways
for some time.
* Origin: Field Street BBS Dalton, MA 413-684-1938 (Opus 1:321/212)
*** There is a reply. See #91.
From: Kevin Carr Of 930/5
To: John Knox Msg #68, 24-Nov-88 07:17pm
If you read your update form that was mailed to you, it CLEARLY statesthat
manuals will not be made with it. Take a look closer at the papers that you
received from Microsoft.
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: SiLicon City RBBS(214)641-2537<HST> Home of SIDroids (1:930/5)
From: Kevin Carr Of 930/5
To: Everyone Msg #69, 24-Nov-88 07:31pm
I am getting out of QuickBASIC programming, and do not need all of the
routines that I have purchased of the year that I have been using QuickBASIC.
Stay-Res Plus
Makes BASIC Programs Memory-Resident Version 2.1 by Mark Novisoff
Requirements: 80 column monitor, 1 disk drive, and Microsoft/IBM
BASIC compiler, PC/MS DOS 2.0+, IBM or compatible.
Full support of EMS and disk swapping options Includes original
documentation and original diskettes Originally: $89
----> $50 + $5 shipping charge or reasonable
QuickBASIC 4.0(4.0b) routines.
OSG 1.05
Originally: $89.95
---> $50 + $5 shipping charge or reasonable offer
or both for $95 and $9 shipping charge. Both include original manuals and
Contact me via echo mail here or on User-To-user BBS 214-492-6565.
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: SiLicon City RBBS(214)641-2537<HST> Home of SIDroids (1:930/5)
*** There is a reply. See #79.
From: Mike Anderson
To: Dave Cleary Msg #70, 25-Nov-88 04:59pm
Subject: Re: AdvBas 4.0
In 4.5 the problem of having the whole library put in your file while
compiling within the environment got solved.
* Origin: Midi & ST Exchange(614)848-5947 Cols,OH ST&MIDI Support (Opus
*** This is a reply to #57.
From: Jack Decker
To: All Msg #71, 26-Nov-88 02:34am
Subject: QB hints
Just a couple of Quik Hints:
1) When working with money that will always use whole cents (no fractional
cents), use long integers in your program and store all values in cents, not
dollars. In other words, if someone enters $83.25, you immediately multiply
it by 100 and store it in a long integer, and leave it in that format through
any calculations and don't divide it back to dollars until you need to do so
(at printout time, etc.). This will virtually eliminate rounding and certain
other errors resulting from the internal representation of numbers (like where
the computer prints "3" but it's stored internally as "2.99999..."). If you
aren't working in really big numbers, but need to be able to represent
fractions of a cent (tenths or hundredths), you could carry the internal value
in 1/10 cents or 1/100 cents and then multiply/divide by 1000 or 10000 instead
of 100.
2) For those who have a hexadecimal string that you need to convert to, the &H
function will do it for a constant, but what if you want to input it as a
string variable and then convert to decimal? Try this (an old trick from my
TRS-80 days):
DecimalNumber = VAL("&H" + HexNumber$)
It really works!
--- Ned 2.00/Beta 2
* Origin: Northern Bytes BBS - Fidonet (1:154/8) / LCRnet (77:1011/8)
From: Tom Smith
To: Dale Ziner Msg #72, 27-Nov-88 09:47am
Subject: Mac to PC port
Actually, Microsoft wrote almost all the BASIC languages for all micros. As a
result, much of the code is transportable. You will have to delete a lot,
though, in regards to the Mac interface and such. Also, you'll have to write
some subs to replace the QuickDraw calls. Other than that, there really isn't
much to it. Going from the PC to the Mac is a different story, though. Much
of the subs that you have written will have to be discarded in favor of the
ROM routines built into the Mac. Oh, one other thing, because the Mac BASIC
is an order of magnitude more powerful than the PC version, you'll find that
it will not be nearly as smooth in operation on the PC, especially with
graphics intensive applications. To get that kind of performance will require
assembly level programming. QuickBASIC is an excellent choice for the port,
though, as it gives the best performance of all the PC BASICs. Still, you'll
have to settle for rectangular objects in your Put and Get statements, rather
than the "any shape" objects of Mac BASIC. Hope this helps.
* Origin: Icarus: Iowa City - Go Hawkeyes (Opus 1:283/657)
*** There is a reply. See #182.
From: Tom Smith
To: Wesley Williams Msg #73, 28-Nov-88 05:51pm
Subject: Re: Why doesn't QB 4.0 Compile standalone?
QB has always been capable of compiling to a stand alone program. I don't
understand what your problem is. Could you be a little more specific on just
why it doesn't work?
* Origin: Icarus: Iowa City - Go Hawkeyes (Opus 1:283/657)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Tom Smith
To: Jeff Smith Msg #74, 28-Nov-88 05:54pm
Subject: Re: Serial Communications
I've used ON COM lots of times with no problems. Which version of QB are you
using? 4.0 has some problems, but 3 and 4.00b work okay. What specifically is
the problem?
* Origin: Icarus: Iowa City - Go Hawkeyes (Opus 1:283/657)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Tom Smith
To: David Hamm Msg #75, 28-Nov-88 05:56pm
Subject: Re: BRUN40.EXE
BRUN40 comes on your distribution disks. Distributing it otherwise might
cause some legal problems, but don't know for sure. I'd check it out first,
* Origin: Icarus: Iowa City - Go Hawkeyes (Opus 1:283/657)
*** This is a reply to #53.
From: Harry Carver
To: All Msg #76, 28-Nov-88 08:16pm
Subject: video mode
Does anyone have a fragment of code that will determine what video mode
you are in, when your program starts, so that it can be restored on exit?
I have been looking but I haven't found anything that will help. Yes
I see how to change it to what I want, but to be tidy I would like to
restore the screen mode to what it was (espically for EGA and VGA).
* Origin: FOG-LINE;Reg 14 EC;HST;Des Moines,515-964-7937 (Opus 1:14/627)
*** There is a reply. See #102.
From: James Hunter
To: Dave Cleary Msg #77, 28-Nov-88 02:15am
Subject: Re: BASIC Tools
In response to all of the storage problems I am listing the following bit of
code. Given a double percision number (a#) this FN will produce a string 12
charactors long containing the same number in a rounded (correctly) format.
DEF FNUSI$(A#)=RIGHT$(" "+LEFT$(STR$(A#+.00499),1)+
MID$(STR$(FIX(ABS(A#)+.00501)),2)+ "."+RIGHT
("0"+MID$(STR$(INT(((ABS( A#)+.00501)-FIX(AB
This is mearly my solution to the problem you have described. Another
solution is to reserve a portion of the screen, turn the color to 0,0 and
PRINT USING the variable to the screen in a pre-designated spot. Then using
the SCREEN(xloc,yloc) command build yourself a string variable containing the
formatted number.
CHR$(PEEK((((xloc*160)-160)+((yloc*2)-2)))) can be substituted for
SCREEN(xloc,yloc) if desired. Don't forget to DEF SEG.
If anyone can think of other solutions give me a call I would love to here
them. (405)-354-9428 James Hunter
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: American Fido BBS - Fido V12i (405)843-5002 FidoNet (1:147/7)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Peter Paul
To: Charles Parvin Msg #78, 26-Nov-88 06:14pm
Subject: Re: QB4.5
While I haven't used it that extensively yet, I don't see any major
--- TBBS v2.0
* Origin: the Night Shift BBS - Staten Isl, NY - (718) 816-7792 (107/109)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Fabian Gordon
To: Kevin Carr Of 930/5 Msg #79, 27-Nov-88 04:51pm
> I am getting out of QuickBASIC programming, and do not
> need all of the routines that I have purchased of the
> year that I have been using QuickBASIC.
As the QUIK_BAS Conference Originator/Moderator, I suggest you take your
message to the FOR-SALE Echo. This will be the only request.
Thank you.
Fabian Gordon - QUIK_BAS Moderator
--- XyWrite III+
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Quick Basic Echo Moderator - DB/Opus/HST/PCP (1:107/323)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Larry Stone
To: Dave Corthell Msg #80, 22-Nov-88 11:08am
Subject: Re: BASIC Tools
The following was originally a request for assistance from Bob Jones:
> 2. In another place, I am trying to convert a simple fraction
> into its decimal equivalent. I end up with 15 decimal places which
> I can print with 1 decimal place with PRINT USING ##.# but when I
> WRITE # it to an ASCII file, I can't get rid of the last 14 decimals.
> All numbers are supposed to be integers.
You responded:
> Write #1, Int(X)
> Or if that don't work well maybe
> X% = Int(X)
> Write #1, X%
The following will format the string and remove the extra 14 decimal places.
' *****************************************************
' * Applying PRINT USING to a string. *
' * Credit Greg Anderson for original idea (?). *
' * Published in the BUG NEWSLETTER Vol. 2, No. 4 *
' * Modified by Larry Stone for QB4. *
' *****************************************************
OPEN "NUL" FOR RANDOM AS #1 LEN = 84 '80 cols + 4 bytes for overflow,
FIELD 1, 84 AS FMT$ 'otherwise may generate a FIELD
'overflow error with screen write
Num$ = "123456789"
N = 45000
Mess$ = "Automatic Rounding"
BigDecimal = 1.375657129376138#
'* *
'* Remove the underlines and connect the next 3 lines to have this *
'* work in QB4. *
'* *
"\ \ #####, \ \ ######.#!"; _
Num$, N, Mess$, BigDecimal
PRINT LEFT$(FMT$, 44); 'FMT$ is FIELD variable
PUT #1, 1
' ---- NOTES:
' Using the OPEN "NUL" construct allows the programmer to create
' a formatted string.
' Once the string has been formatted, LEFT$(), MID$(), and RIGHT$()
' functions can be called to PRINT or WRITE any portion of it.
' Further, you can send the string to the screen, or LPRNT it, or,
' save the formatted string to a file.
' The last PUT statement is IMPORTANT - it resets the pointer back to
' record 1. Without the PUT, a FIELD overflow error will quickly occur.
Larry Stone
* Origin: ╬ CfC#16 ╬ Coos Bay 503/269-1935 (8:7000/16) ╬ (Opus 1:152/18)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Mike Kirchner
To: Wesley Williams Msg #81, 26-Nov-88 07:39pm
Subject: Re: Why doesn't QB 4.0 Compile standalone?
Sure it does. ALT-R, X
* Origin: Field Street BBS Dalton, MA 413-684-1938 (Opus 1:321/212)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Mike Kirchner
To: Jeff Smith Msg #82, 26-Nov-88 07:41pm
Subject: Re: Serial Communications
Check out the sample program TERMINAL.BAS in the QB disk files & Docs.
There's some XON/XOFF stuff in it.
* Origin: Field Street BBS Dalton, MA 413-684-1938 (Opus 1:321/212)
*** This is a reply to #74.
From: Miklos Bolvary
To: Fabian Gordon Msg #83, 26-Nov-88 10:54am
Subject: QuickBASIC Conferences
Grovel, Grovel, that was the next thing I was going to ask; who is the
QuickBasic moderator here (you just anwered that one).
Now that I know who is (GRIN) in charge (!!), I respectfully (humble bow,
scrape) ask permission from your aforementioned illustrious person to link my
(dead-as-a-doornail) conference into yours and vice-versa.
Frankly, around here in OZ, QuickBasic has taken off like a rocket but when it
comes to contributions, help, questions ect, they are so close-mouthed (silent
ect) that it's unbelievable.
Your conference with its' technical content is just the 'shot in the arm' that
we need to get the neophytes off their bums and get coding.
Now tell me, does anyoe have any use for a program that; acting only as a
SHELL; takes the files in a directory specified and converts them from one of
four archive formats (ARC LBR ZOO PAK) to another of those ARChive formats ?
This is my humble effort for this week (blush)
Australian QuickBASIC Co-Ordinator.
--- FD 2.0
* Origin: What goes up comes down faster when frightened. (3:633/374)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Miklos Bolvary
To: Net 107 Echomail Coordinator Of 107 Msg #84, 26-Nov-88 10:59am
Subject: Re: Your apology
Hello from down OZ way Real, over here I just about have to beg people to put
anything into the AUstralian QuickBasic Echo. You are welcome to throw as much
code as you like into my AUST_QB echo and perhaps it will get my lazy slugs
off their bums and start coding.
Australian QuickBASIC Co-Ordinator.
--- FD 2.0
* Origin: What goes up comes down faster when frightened. (3:633/374)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Miklos Bolvary
To: Fabian Gordon Msg #85, 26-Nov-88 11:00am
Subject: Just a quick Question ????
Am I ruffling any feathers or disturbing convention by throwing my title (such
as it is) in here ?
Australian QuickBASIC Co-Ordinator.
Please tell me if the above is unacceptable in your echo.
--- FD 2.0
* Origin: What goes up comes down faster when frightened. (3:633/374)
*** There is a reply. See #96.
From: Bill Hliwa
To: Dale Barnes Msg #86, 26-Nov-88 01:21pm
Subject: Re: Probas
DB: Anyone out there using ProBas routines? Need to talk
DB: to you about them.
I use 'em. I like 'em. Talk away ...
--- Sirius 1.0k
* Origin: SUNY at Buffalo's *Med TechNet* 716/897-0504 (1:260/10.0)
*** This is a reply to #45.
From: Bill Hliwa
To: Wesley Williams Msg #87, 26-Nov-88 01:26pm
Subject: Re: Why doesn't QB 4.0 Compile standalone?
WW: Why in the world will Quick Basic 4.0 only compile for
WW: me in the BRUN40 Mode? I would like to stop having to
WW: use BRUN40.EXE.
First, get out of the QB editor (it does strange stuff when compiling to an
EXE). Then, type: BC MyProg.BAS /o;
The "/o" means we're going to a standalone. The product of the above is:
MyProg.OBJ. Then, type: LINK MyProg;
That will generate: MyProg.EXE. It will NOT require a BRUN??.EXE.
--- Sirius 1.0k
* Origin: SUNY at Buffalo's *Med TechNet* 716/897-0504 (1:260/10.0)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Don Carroll Of 911/4 @ 911/104
To: David Looney Msg #88, 26-Nov-88 11:28am
Subject: Re: Quick Libraries.
DL> Help!
DL> I need help in making up Quick libraries. I bought a book with
DL> different routines for windowing, and what not, and needed to build
DL> a .qlb file with mouse, casemap, interrupt routines in it. When I
DL> used the example in the book I bought, and the example in the QB4.0
DL> manual, I recieved a "Invalid Quick Library" error. Can anyone help
DL> me in creating quick libraries? Any help would be appreciated.
DL> Thanks
DL> David!
DL> ---
Hi , You ned to make a file and put all your *.obj's in it like this
/q addmati+baseconv+bkscroll+bkspace+block+bsqueeze+calcat
then you use the command line --> Link @obj.fil obj.fil is any file name
that you used to put the names of your obj'sin the format above
--- ConfMail V3.31
# Origin: Comland, (714) 882-7181, San Bernardino California (8:911/104)
* Origin: Network Gateway to RBBS-NET (RBBS-PC 1:103/710)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Real Desfosses
To: Net 107 EchoMail Coordinator Of 10 Msg #89, 25-Nov-88 10:46pm
Subject: Re: Your apology
Well I wasn't certain If I could post some code here. But if you see e no
problem with that, then no problem with me. I would have hoped that we can
exchange some small utilities once in a blue moon so that we do more than
discuss Version 4.5 upgrade booklet etc. Let's get down to some Basic's
* Origin: Call Line Info Serv ! St.Bruno ! (514)461-3953 (Opus 1:167/251)
*** This is a reply to #84.
From: Real Desfosses
To: Fabian Gordon Msg #90, 25-Nov-88 10:49pm
Subject: Re: Doc's for MyEd.Bas
> Gee, did you hear the Conference Moderator say anything?
> --- XyWrite III+
Sure did, and he has no problem with that...
* Origin: Call Line Info Serv ! St.Bruno ! (514)461-3953 (Opus 1:167/251)
*** This is a reply to #65.
From: Al Jones
To: Mike Kirchner Msg #91, 27-Nov-88 05:40pm
Subject: Interrupt 21h Function 11h
This is not origianlly my code; I found it somewhere and it works
nicely so I've dropped into my library. I'd give credit if I
knew where I got it from.
' for use with FindFirst / FindNext
TYPE SearchRec
Fill AS STRING * 21 ' 21 bytes of undefined stuff
Attr AS STRING * 1 ' the attribute of a found file (one byte)
FTime AS INTEGER ' file's time of last modification (packed)
FDate AS INTEGER ' date
Size AS LONG ' file's size
Fname AS STRING * 12 ' the found file's name and extension
' (Fname will be zero terminated if less than 12 chars long)
FUNCTION FindFirst% (FileSpec$, FAttr%, DTA AS SearchRec)
' using DOS function $4E, look for a file matching the "FileSpec$",
' corresponding to the attribute "FAttr" (0 matches all attributes).
' if a file is found, FindFirst = 0, and the structure "DTA" is
' filled in with the file's information. If not, FindFirst = DOS
' error code.
DIM InRegs AS RegTypeX, OutRegs AS RegTypeX
DTA.Fname = " " ' initialize the found filename
InRegs.ds = VARSEG(DTA)
InRegs.dx = VARPTR(DTA)
InRegs.ax = &H1A00 ' "Set Disk Transfer Address" function
INTERRUPTX &H21, InRegs, OutRegs
LocalSpec$ = FileSpec$ + CHR$(0) ' make an ASCIIZ string
InRegs.ds = VARSEG(LocalSpec$)
InRegs.dx = SADD(LocalSpec$)
InRegs.cx = FAttr%
InRegs.ax = &H4E00 ' "Find First Matching File"
INTERRUPTX &H21, InRegs, OutRegs
IF (OutRegs.flags AND &H1) = 1 THEN
FindFirst = OutRegs.ax AND &HFF
FindFirst = 0
FUNCTION FindNext% (DTA AS SearchRec)
' AFTER FindFirst has been used to successfully find a file, calling
' this function repeatedly with the same SearchRec structure will find
' the succeeding matching files.
' If a file is found, FindNext = 0, and the structure "DTA" is
' filled in with the file's information. if not, FindNext = DOS
' error code.
DIM InRegs AS RegTypeX, OutRegs AS RegTypeX
DTA.Fname = " " ' initialize the found filename
InRegs.ds = VARSEG(DTA)
InRegs.dx = VARPTR(DTA)
InRegs.ax = &H1A00 ' "Set Disk Transfer Address" function
CALL INTERRUPTX(&H21, InRegs, OutRegs)
InRegs.ax = &H4F00 ' "Find Next Matching File" function
CALL INTERRUPTX(&H21, InRegs, OutRegs)
IF (OutRegs.flags AND &H1) = 1 THEN
FindNext = OutRegs.ax
FindNext = 0
* Origin: TreeShare * Houston TX * (713) 363-9424 * 9600 HST (Opus
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Tony Ruggeri
To: David Looney Msg #92, 27-Nov-88 10:46am
Subject: Re: Quick Libraries.
I think you have the book "Microsoft QuickBASIC Programmer's Guide." I just
got the book a couple of weeks ago and for a few days I considered returning
it because it was so hard to understand, probably because it almost assumes
that you have QuickC and Microsoft Macro Assembler. I have neither. Most of
the routines it uses need a file called MIXED.QLB. This is a real pain to
create. In the back of the book should be some hexadecimal-format listings
for MOUSE.HEX, INTRPT.HEX, and CASEMAP.HEX. Enter these exactly as they are in
an editor or workd processor, being VERY CAREFUL about typos. Then save them
as ASCII text. Next make a short file in QuickBASIC called "HEX2BIN.BAS"- it
should be listed in the book and requires no special libraries. Use HEX2BIN
to create .OBJ files out of the .HEX files. Next go to DOS and give the
following commands:
This should create two files, MIXED.QLB and MIXED.LIB. Now try loading
QuickBASIC with the QB /L MIXED command. You can call the three routines
(i.e., "CALL MOUSE(M1%,M2%,M3%,M4%"). You may want to not include INTRPT in
the libraries (by not entering it in the editor and not including it in the
LINK and LIB commands above). I have not yet found anything that uses it, and
the QB.QLB library that came with QuickBASIC works much better anyway. Look
in your QuickBASIC manual on how to link two Quick libraries together- I'm
pretty sure it can be done. Hope this helps!
--------> Tony Ruggeri <----------
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Heartbreak Hotel North, the WOCers' Resort! (1:150/423)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Tony Ruggeri
To: Wesley Williams Msg #93, 27-Nov-88 10:59am
Subject: Re: Why doesn't QB 4.0 Compile standalone?
It does! When you are compiling from within the editor, you choose EXE from
the Run menu. Then it asks you for the filename. If the filename is okay,
leave it, otherwise type in a new one, but DON'T PRESS ENTER!! Press Alt-A to
choose Stand-Alone right below the file name, and QB will shell and create a
stand-alone (and much bigger) .EXE file.
--------> Tony Ruggeri <----------
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Heartbreak Hotel North, the WOCers' Resort! (1:150/423)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Tony Ruggeri
To: All Msg #94, 27-Nov-88 11:07am
Subject: QuickBASIC and mice
I'm writing a variety of graphic-user-interface type programs in QuickBASIC
that use a mouse, but I am running into some problems. The mouse driver (I
have a Microsoft mouse, driver version 6.14) will automatically handle the
placement of the mouse on the screen in CGA 640 x 320 mode. In order to use
it with a Hercules card, however, I have to control the mouse myself with PUT
(x,y),pointer%,XOR statements. When I leave it to the mouse driver it works-
if you consider having the mouse pointer in several pieces on the screen
working. Is there anyway to have the mouse driver truly control the pointer
in Screen mode 3 without sending $20+ to Microsoft for the Mouse Programmer's
Also: is there anywhere that I can get a linkable .OBJ file for QBHERC.COM so
that the program will install it automatically?
--------> Tony Ruggeri <----------
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Heartbreak Hotel North, the WOCers' Resort! (1:150/423)
*** There is a reply. See #124.
From: Fabian Gordon
To: Miklos Bolvary Msg #95, 28-Nov-88 12:37pm
Subject: Re: QuickBASIC Conferences
> Now that I know who is (GRIN) in charge (!!), I
> respectfully (humble bow, scrape) ask permission from
> your aforementioned illustrious person to link my
> (dead-as-a-doornail) conference into yours and
> vice-versa.
Your enlightning choice of words STILL has me laughing!
Sure, I'm willing to let you cross-link my conference into yours. I guess we
should discuss via netmail some of the details and "rules" first, though.
I am available at 1:107/323 if you need me.
Good Luck!
Fabian R. Gordon - QUIK_BAS Moderator
--- XyWrite III+
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Quick Basic Echo Moderator - DB/Opus/HST/PCP (1:107/323)
*** This is a reply to #83.
From: Fabian Gordon
To: Miklos Bolvary Msg #96, 28-Nov-88 12:40pm
Subject: Re: Just a quick Question ????
> Miklos.G.Bolvary,
> Australian QuickBASIC Co-Ordinator.
> Please tell me if the above is unacceptable in your echo.
Not at all, provided that the "Australian" remains there, and it's always
clear that it "IS" a different Conference just sharing resources.
--- XyWrite III+
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Quick Basic Echo Moderator - DB/Opus/HST/PCP (1:107/323)
*** This is a reply to #85.
From: Larry Stone
To: Mike Kirchner Msg #97, 28-Nov-88 10:44pm
Subject: Re: Why doesn't QB 4.0 Compile standalone?
Regarding your question:
WW > Subject: Re: Why doesn't QB 4.0 Compile standalone?
MK >> Sure it does. ALT-R, X
Mike's responce is an excellent way for you to become familiar with the
power of QB. Once you become comfortable with the compiler, you will want
to compile outside of the QB environment because of the limits imposed by
QB's environment.
When QB compiles a program, it reserves approximately 4k of space
for use as a COM buffer. If you don't require a COM buffer,
you can shrink the size of your final exe by first calling bc
bc myprog/o; 'compiles the program
then when you link, include NOCOM.OBJ that was supplied by
Microsoft with you QB diskettes. The link command looks like
link /e myprog+nocom; 'to shrink the final exe
The linker will create an additional file called myprog.map
If you don't want to use the disk space taken up by myprog.map, then
link /e myprog+nocom,,nul,; 'for no MAP file
If you have multiple modules, then the link command would be
link /e myprog+module2+nocom,,nul,;
If you use mutiple libraries, the command may look like
link /e/noe myprog+module2+nocom,,nul,lib1+lib2;
If you have ever had a program bomb (if it hasn't happened yet,
it will later - guaranteed) with this message:
<error message> in module <progname> at address xxxx:yyyy
then do the following:
first - while in QB's environment, use the save As command
and save the file As a document.
second- from the DOS command line type
bc progname,progname,progname/A;
This will create a document called PROGNAME.LST (list file).
The list file will look something like:
Offset Data Source Line Microsoft
0030 0006 OPEN "I",1,"1:name
0057 ** call B$CENP
If the error message informed you that the error was at address xxxx:0057
then the offending line was the previous line, in this case, the OPEN
These are just a few reasons why I always compile my programs from the DOS
command line. Note that if /e creates a bigger program, pad myprog.bas with
a whole mess of REM's - the /e option requires a big OBJ before it works.
* Origin: ╬ CfC#16 ╬ Coos Bay 503/269-1935 (8:7000/16) ╬ (Opus 1:152/18)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Troy Jones
To: Joseph Landman Msg #98, 28-Nov-88 04:21pm
I got my 4.0b update 2 weeks from the time that I called in.
* Origin: Software Silo "WOC'n the Valley" Stockton, CA. HST (Opus 1:161/33)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Tom Keifer
To: George McBath Msg #99, 28-Nov-88 02:06pm
Subject: Re: Comm routines
-> Keith, you can FREQ a set of QBasic Fossil routines from
-> 106/222 with the name of:
What is a File Request?, How do/can it be done????
I know this does'nt pertain to this ECHO, but i've seen it used here
and in other ECHO's..
--- QuickBBS v2.01
* Origin: The Expressions BBS Miami Springs Fla. (1:135/39)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Mike Kirchner
To: Al Jones Msg #100, 27-Nov-88 07:28pm
Subject: Re: LastDrive from QB4
> letter of
> highest drive in the system .... like .. HELP!!
> ' $INCLUDE: 'd:\qb4\qb.bi'
Function 0Eh = Set Deafault Drive returns the number of logical drives in the
system in al.
al = (outRegs.ax MOD 256)
You should be able to determine the drive...
Drive$ = chr$(al+65)
Where 0 = A, 1 = B, etc.
Hope this helps
* Origin: Field Street BBS Dalton, MA 413-684-1938 (Opus 1:321/212)
*** There is a reply. See #108.
From: Stephen Maley
To: Keith Hess Msg #101, 27-Nov-88 09:20am
Well, you might try what we have to do with TBBS, because 4.0 writes directly
to video ram, we have to open the console as an input and output devise and
then treat it as a file. many fossile drivers look to the console to pull off
for input and output. when I exit to DOS remotely, this is the only way I can
get data in and out of a QB program on-line....
--- TBBS v2.0
* Origin: ALLERNET - Waiting for 2.1 - Odenton, Md. (261/1014 - HST) (261/101
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Tom Smith
To: Harry Carver Msg #102, 30-Nov-88 04:23pm
Subject: Re: video mode
> Does anyone have a fragment of code that will determine
> what video mode
> you are in, when your program starts, so that it can
> be restored on exit?
This can be accomplished quite easily through a call to the BIOS routines. I
don't have a copy of Norton's Guide to Programming... here or I would give the
parameters to you. I can get it for you soon, though, if you still need it.
I believe that the call you want to use is the one which gets the equipment
list. There is also something in the video routines.
* Origin: Icarus: Iowa City - Go Hawkeyes (Opus 1:283/657)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: John Boyle
To: David Tucker Msg #103, 29-Nov-88 12:53am
I finally writing a program without line numbers and it went okay. Actually,
the program started of with line numbers, but I began inserting un-numbered
lines of code and all went well. Will practice with it some more.
Thanks for the suggestion about remline.
--- TBBS v2.0
* Origin: the Night Shift BBS - Staten Isl, NY - (718) 816-7792 (107/109)
From: Chuck Sanders
To: All Msg #104, 28-Nov-88 12:51pm
Subject: Rules for this area
Before entering messages here, please read and observe the following
ground rules.
1. Remember that any message you enter here is forwarded to approximately
1000 other Bulletin Boards throughout the world. The sysops of most of
these boards forward EchoMail traffic at their own expense.
2. Keep the content of your messages technical. No political or personal
messages are allowed.
3. If you are not sure of an answer to someone's question, look up the
correct answer before entering a message. Otherwise, you are making a
fool of yourself in front of a large international audience.
4. Do not enter a message here that is specific to the COSUG board or is
addressed to a particular person unless that message is also of general
interest to the entire network. Any message directed to a particular
person may be entered as a General Message (Area 1) if he is on COSUG.
If the person is on another board, enter it in NetMail (Area 2).
5. If you have any questions about the use of the this discussion area,
leave a message to me in the Comments area.
Enjoy using EchoMail discussion areas. It is an excellent way to get
questions answered, and to discuss technical issues with some of the
world's experts on personal computers.
* Origin: COSUG - Colorados Premier Users' Group (Opus 1:128/13)
*** There is a reply. See #130.
From: Jerry Brenner
To: Mike Hamilton Msg #105, 29-Nov-88 03:09pm
Subject: Re: QuickBasic & Structures
Text files are very easy to read between the languages, they all have similar
commands with different names to access them.
Binary files are a little more difficult, mainly because of the way strings
are stored. Turbo Pascal stores the string length as the first byte of the
string. Basic and C deliminate the end of the string with a
chr$(0). Therefore you would need to write a function to convert the strings.
* Origin: Mdtn_BBS, (717) 948-0212 Middletown Pa (Opus 1:150/511)
*** There is a reply. See #123.
From: Kevin Watkins
To: Dale Ziner Msg #106, 28-Nov-88 10:19am
Subject: Re: quick basic(a dead lauguage)
DZ>By the way; you wouldn't know how difficult it would be to port
DZ>a source code written in MS basic for a MAC to Quick Basic on
DZ>a IBM ?
No, but I would enjoy the challenge!
* Origin: ▒▓░ Freedom One - Jonesboro, AR ▒▓░ (Opus 1:389/6)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: John Carr
To: Charles Parvin Msg #107, 28-Nov-88 04:37pm
Subject: Re: Qb4.5
I've got QB4.5, and I was really impressed with it...
It now has really extensive help (As did 4.0, but 4.5 is a little
more so...)
And, one of the biggest goodies, they've taken out the neat little
bug that locked up the computer in 4.0. I'm pretty sure that 4.5 does it also
after a while, but it does let you run other programs after running it (or in
a shell) unlike 4.0.
Anyways, that's just my opinion...
>>>>> J. C. <<<<<
I really don't feel that the $27 for the manual is necessary...with 4.5, it
gives you a text file that explains a lot of the upgrades and changes...
* Origin: The Back Door - At The Aerodrome - Englewood, FL (Opus 1:137/25)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Al Jones
To: Mike Kirchner Msg #108, 29-Nov-88 07:00pm
Subject: Re: LastDrive from QB4
The code that was in that message, Mike, was using x0E.
The problem is that is was returning the code given in config.sys's
LASTDRIVE rather than the actual last drive. (At least thatwas the case with
the 286 class machines we have)
On the XT class machines it was consistant; but not what I was expecting
One machine which has 'A' and 'C' consistantly returns '06' - another which
has 2 physical hard drives divided into two partitions (and of course a
floppy) (hence - ACDEF) returns a '08'; again consistently.
Do appreciate the response - //al
* Origin: TreeShare * Houston TX * (713) 363-9424 * 9600 HST (Opus
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Micah Bleecher
To: John Knox Msg #109, 29-Nov-88 09:13pm
Subject: Re: QB4.5
> I also just received 4.5, with an order letter to send
> an additional $27.45 for the manual!
JK> Yeah, I just got my update yesterday too and saw that.
JK> Kinda pisses me off that an "update" doesn't include the
JK> manual, even if it is supposedly on disk as the QB
JK> Advisor. I want REAL hardcopy manuals! I'm debating on
JK> whether the changes in 4.5 justify buying the new manuals
JK> AND if the new manuals are any better than 4.0 manuals which fall apart.
Yours fell apart too eh ? I'll have to admit, for a beginner like me, the
online advisor is terriffic !.. Most pros I've talked to are quite
dissapointed in the actual language upgrades however.
* MOrigin: -=[ The SoundingBoard of Houston (713) 821-4148 ]=-
--- Msg V3.2
* Origin: SoundingBoard - Do Not Fold Spindle or Mutilate (1:106/12)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Alex Lotoski
To: Fabian Gordon Msg #110, 30-Nov-88 03:08am
I am interested in what you have for sale. Post thru the for sale echo or rout
list to me.
- * -
--- ConfMail V3.31
* Origin: ####### NORTHWAY * (508) 393-5346 ####### (1:322/540)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: David Looney
To: Mike Kirchner Msg #111, 29-Nov-88 07:02am
Subject: Re: Quick Libraries.
Well yes and no. I am already using the qb.qlb when I start up,
I just can't seem to get my other libraries to function properly. Oh well I
guess I will just have to work on it some more. The two files that I
mentioned are writen in assembler so I can't use the make lib from within
QuickBASIC, it will have to be done outside the environment.
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Fort Worth Opus [817 246-0959] (1:130/8)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Mike Kirchner
To: Al Jones Msg #112, 29-Nov-88 08:11pm
Subject: Re: Interrupt 21h Function 11h
> This is not origianlly my code; I found it somewhere and
> it works
> nicely so I've dropped into my library. I'd give credit
> if I
> knew where I got it from.
> ' for use with FindFirst / FindNext
> TYPE SearchRec
Thanks much for your hints. Really appreciate it!
* Origin: Field Street BBS Dalton, MA 413-684-1938 (Opus 1:321/212)
*** This is a reply to #91.
From: George McBath
To: Tom Keifer Msg #113, 29-Nov-88 07:10pm
Subject: Re: Comm routines
> -> Keith, you can FREQ a set of QBasic Fossil routines from
> -> 106/222 with the name of:
> ->
> What is a File Request?, How do/can it be done????
A file request is simply a means of your computer being able to call mine and
download a file automatically w/out human intervention. If are a sysop you
should be able to get someone to help you out getting your setup to call.
Otherwise call (713)-777-2977 and just download it anytime.
--- msged 1.943S ZTC
* Origin: The Swap Shop * A Texas Tradition * (713) 777 2977 (1:106/222)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Al Jones
To: Micah Bleecher Msg #114, 30-Nov-88 03:06am
Subject: Re: QB4.5
> like me, the online advisor is terriffic !.. Most pros I've
> talked to are quite dissapointed in the actual language
> upgrades however.
Like several others I've been waiting to see what comments are on 4.5 before I
send off for it.
Could you recap what 'language upgrades' the pros are talking about.
((Sorry for picking on you Micah.. <grin>))
Seriously though would someone who has 4.5 give us a rundown on what the
changes were. Obviously the 'on-line manual' and a reduced work area; but
what else did they do to/for us??
* Origin: TreeShare * Houston TX * (713) 363-9424 * 9600 HST (Opus
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Micah Bleecher
To: Al Jones Msg #115, 30-Nov-88 11:34am
Subject: Re: QB4.5
> like me, the online advisor is terriffic !.. Most pros I've
> talked to are quite dissapointed in the actual language
> upgrades however.
AJ> Like several others I've been waiting to see what comments
AJ> are on 4.5 before I send off for it.
AJ> Could you recap what 'language upgrades' the pros are talking about.
AJ> ((Sorry for picking on you Micah.. <grin>))
AJ> Seriously though would someone who has 4.5 give us a
AJ> rundown on what the changes were. Obviously the 'on-line
AJ> manual' and a reduced work area; but what else did they do to/for us??
AJ> //al
Freq Newqb45.arc 24 hrs.... It is a doc file that came with my upgrade thet
may help... Further more, the Hard copy manuals that cost an extra $27.50 or
so are *NOT* the chinsie type that came with 4.0 ( Mine fell apart too ) they
are advertised as being in 3 ring binders....
For me, (a rookie) 4.5 is GREAT !!! I may even spring fo rthe hard manuals.
See you around AL,
* MOrigin: -=[ The SoundingBoard of Houston (713) 821-4148 ]=-
--- Msg V3.2
* Origin: SoundingBoard - Do Not Fold Spindle or Mutilate (1:106/12)
*** This is a reply to #114.
From: Dave Cleary
To: Wesley Williams Msg #116, 28-Nov-88 06:52pm
Subject: Why doesn't QB 4.0 Compile standalone?
> Why in the world will Quick Basic 4.0 only compile for me in the BRUN40
> Mode? I would like to stop having to use BRUN40.EXE.
Either select Stand Alone if you compile in the enviroment or use /O if you
compile from a command line.
> Also,
> does anyone know if Quick BASIC 4.5 can compile in standalone?
> Later,
Both do.
Later Dave
--- msged 1.94L MSC
* Origin: Deadmans Point on Treasure Island (1:141/730.1)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Dave Cleary
To: David Looney Msg #117, 28-Nov-88 06:55pm
Subject: Quick Libraries.
> Help!
> I need help in making up Quick libraries. I bought a book with
> different routines for windowing, and what not, and needed to build
> a .qlb file with mouse, casemap, interrupt routines in it. When I
> used the example in the book I bought, and the example in the QB4.0
> manual, I recieved a "Invalid Quick Library" error. Can anyone help
> me in creating quick libraries? Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> David!
Sounds like you didn't link in the BQLB40.obj routine needed for quick
libraries in QB.
Later Dave
--- msged 1.94L MSC
* Origin: Deadmans Point on Treasure Island (1:141/730.1)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Dave Cleary
To: Fabian Gordon Msg #118, 28-Nov-88 06:57pm
Subject: Re: Zone 3
> > Fabian- Quik_Bas is international now?
> As far as I know, it has been passed to Europe for about 4 months now.
Haven't seen any messages from Europe.
Later Dave
--- msged 1.94L MSC
* Origin: Deadmans Point on Treasure Island (1:141/730.1)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Paul Havemann
To: All Msg #119, 02-Dec-88 04:46pm
According to the latest Public Brands Software catalog, programmers are
advised not to use QuickBasic version 4. Seems that programs compiled with it
are larger than with version 3 -- but more important, ver 4 compiled programs
WILL NOT run under MS/PC-DOS version 2.00. (They claim a lot of users still
have DOS 2.00.)
Is this for real, or what? Not being a programmer, I felt I'd just pass
this on anyhow... PBS is in Indiana; tel is 1-800-426-DISK. (This ain't a
plug -- just thought you might like to query them yourself.)
This message appeared in the warnings echo. I thought some might be
Dave Cleary
--- msged 1.94L MSC
* Origin: Deadmans Point on Treasure Island (1:141/730.1)
*** There is a reply. See #120.
From: Ronny Ong
To: Paul Havemann Msg #120, 02-Dec-88 04:47pm
Subject: Re: QUICKBASIC 4
Public Brands Software probably doesn't do any programming either. QuickBASIC
Version 4 (4.5 was just released) is ONE of the finest (if not the finest; I
don't care to argue with Borland or TrueBASIC fans) BASIC compilers available
for any computer, large or small. You betcha that a program written for
version 3 will compile larger in version 4, but version 4 adds features that
would take a much larger program to write in version 3. As soon as people
stop trying to use QuickBASIC like it was "just" a way to make an .EXE file
out of BASICA programs, this kind of "warning" will go away. Version 4 is a
whole new ballgame and blows version 3 away. It's also BASCOM Version 6
compatible if you ever want to run under OS/2.
I haven't tried it, but I believe that QB 4 programs will run under DOS 2.1
and higher if you don't use certain statements. Some obvious examples are the
networking support in QB 4. DOS versions earlier than 3.x don't support
networks at all. And there is LOTS of software that DOS 2.00 does not run.
That's why 2.1 and 2.11 was released. Any users who are still stuck in 2.00
are obviously so satisfied with the applications they're already running, they
won't need QB 4 or QB 4 applications or dBASE IV or WordPerfect 5 or any of
the new generation of software.
BTW, Paul, I'm not trying to criticize you. I'm just making a response to the
Public Brands information you posted, for the benefit of anyone who is
considering QB 4 and might be wrongly influenced by Public Brands'
This was the reply. Has anyone ever seen this problem?
Dave Cleary
--- msged 1.94L MSC
* Origin: Deadmans Point on Treasure Island (1:141/730.1)
*** This is a reply to #119.
From: Dave Cleary
To: Larry Stone Msg #121, 02-Dec-88 04:21pm
Subject: Re: BASIC Tools
> places.
> ' *****************************************************
> ' * Applying PRINT USING to a string. *
> ' * Credit Greg Anderson for original idea (?). *
> ' * Published in the BUG NEWSLETTER Vol. 2, No. 4 *
> ' * Modified by Larry Stone for QB4. *
> ' *****************************************************
> OPEN "NUL" FOR RANDOM AS #1 LEN = 84 '80 cols + 4 bytes for
> overflow,
If you use DOS 3.x, then you need to open the nul as
If you open it the way you suggest, no harm is done, but the light for drive a
will come on and stay on.
Later Dave
--- msged 1.94L MSC
* Origin: Deadmans Point on Treasure Island (1:141/730.1)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Dave Cleary
To: James Hunter Msg #122, 02-Dec-88 04:30pm
Subject: Re: BASIC Tools
> In response to all of the storage problems I am listing the following bit
> of code. Given a double percision number (a#) this FN will produce a
> string 12 charactors long containing the same number in a rounded
> (correctly) format.
Wasn't my question but I'm sure others apreciated your code.
Later Dave
--- msged 1.94L MSC
* Origin: Deadmans Point on Treasure Island (1:141/730.1)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Dave Cleary
To: Jerry Brenner Msg #123, 02-Dec-88 04:32pm
Subject: Re: QuickBasic & Structures
> Text files are very easy to read between the languages, they all have
> similar commands with different names to access them.
> Binary files are a little more difficult, mainly because of the way
> strings are stored. Turbo Pascal stores the string length as the first
> byte of the string. Basic and C deliminate the end of the string with a
> chr$(0). Therefore you would need to write a function to convert the
> strings.
BASIC does not store strings the same as C. QB has a four byte string
descriptor that tells the program where the string is and how long it is. If
you do something like:
Then you would get the offset of the string descriptor and not of the string
itself. This is why strings are limited to the 64K default segment and can be
only 32K long.
Later Dave
--- msged 1.94L MSC
* Origin: Deadmans Point on Treasure Island (1:141/730.1)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Dave Cleary
To: Tony Ruggeri Msg #124, 02-Dec-88 04:39pm
Subject: QuickBASIC and mice
> Also: is there anywhere that I can get a linkable .OBJ file for
> QBHERC.COM so that the program will install it automatically?
> --------> Tony Ruggeri <----------
The new version of PROBAS is supposed to allow you to do Herc graphics without
having to install the QBHERC driver. I am patiently waiting my upgrade.
Later Dave
--- msged 1.94L MSC
* Origin: Deadmans Point on Treasure Island (1:141/730.1)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Alistair Stewart
To: Dave Cleary Msg #125, 01-Dec-88 02:03pm
Subject: Re: Zone 3
Hi there,
You asked if QB was international, well yes it is. I live in London,
England and it is getting quite popular here. I have been using it now for
about six months and love it.
Release 4.5 is not out here yet though, apparently Microsoft caught a bug
just before they were about to release it. The bug was apparently something
to do with it not working properly with a keyboard driver (KEYBUK or KEYB UK)
loaded, so they put it off for a while. That's what the guy from Microsoft
told me when I called them anyway.
I do have a fairly specific question for you all though....
I have found that using the TIMER function when using assembler proceedures
tends to currupt the string space and all kinds of other nastys. Has anyone
else noticed this and does 4.5 have the same problems?
Finally, it's quite costly calling the states for a chat about QBasic. Does
anyone know of a European BBS that carries this conference?
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: Project X SD, Inc. -- Home of QBTOOLS 1(215)879-8225 (1:150/613)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Jim Cordrey Rec'd
To: David West Msg #126, 01-Dec-88 09:34pm
Subject: Re: QuickBASIC 4.5 BUG???
> Now I have version 4.5, and I see that neither of my proposed
> solutions solve the bug problem. What does work is to
> add .500001 instead of
> .5 in the algorithm. Evidently the internal representation
Thanks for the info.
> I use to think it was kind of cute working around the bugs
> in Microsoft basic, but ten years later the cuteness is
> wearing a little thin.
> Keep on posting any additional bugs/problems with 4.5
I use computers of different assortments both at home and work. It continues
to amaze me that even the most professional software has bugs that operators
must contend with. On company I deal with has the practice of sending its new
software out to a select few operators for debugging before officially
releasing the new versions. Maybe more software writers should do that.
Thanks again for your response. If I don't get to talk with you for a while,
have a happy holiday and the best to you and yours in the coming year.
--- Opus-CBCS 1.03b <> NoOrigin 3.3
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Crystal Sphere,Dundalk, MD (301)388-1517 (1:261/1032)
*** This is a reply to #6.
From: Darwin Collins Of 930/1 @ 930/1
To: Troy Jones Msg #127, 30-Nov-88 06:30pm
TJ> I got my 4.0b update 2 weeks from the time that I called in.
There is a version 4.5 on the shelves now.
--- ConfMail V4.00
# Origin: HORIZON_RBBS_(214)881-8346_&_(214)424-3831_<<HST>>_ (8:930/1)
* Origin: Network Gateway to RBBS-NET (RBBS-PC 1:103/710)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Darwin Collins Of 930/1 @ 930/1
To: To Those That Have Math Coprocessor Msg #128, 30-Nov-88 06:33pm
Subject: A question on the speed of Math coprocessors
How much would a Math Coprocessor help in adding (accumulating) Whole (less
then 7 digits) Single precision numbers?
using QB 4.0 ...
like, in adding a hundred number what will the speed advantage be?
I understand a Math Coprocessor will not speed Integer (precision2byte)
numbers correct?
--- ConfMail V4.00
# Origin: HORIZON_RBBS_(214)881-8346_&_(214)424-3831_<<HST>>_ (8:930/1)
* Origin: Network Gateway to RBBS-NET (RBBS-PC 1:103/710)
*** There is a reply. See #140.
From: Mike Kirchner
To: Harry Carver Msg #129, 30-Nov-88 08:59pm
Subject: Re: video mode
> Does anyone have a fragment of code that will determine
> what video mode
> you are in, when your program starts, so that it can
> be restored on exit?
Try this...
vt% = 0
vt% = 1
0 = Monochrome
1 = Color
* Origin: Field Street BBS Dalton, MA 413-684-1938 (Opus 1:321/212)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Fabian Gordon
To: Chuck Sanders Msg #130, 01-Dec-88 05:48pm
Subject: Re: Rules for this area
> Before entering messages here, please read and observe
> the following ground rules.
Hmmm... these ain't my rules, but I like the fact that the SysOps involved in
this echo care enough to make it as good as it is.
By the Way, tell whomever showed you how NOECHO works that it DOESN'T work on
Opus Systems! <wink>
Fabian Gordon - QUIK_BAS Moderator
--- XyWrite III+
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Quick Basic Echo Moderator - DB/Opus/HST/PCP (1:107/323)
*** This is a reply to #104.
From: Troy Jones
To: All Msg #131, 02-Dec-88 12:38am
Subject: Protocols
I am looking for ANY protocols that are in the basic source. If anyone has a
protocol or more than one, I would very much appriciate it, if I could get a
copy of them or it. Thanks.
* Origin: Software Silo "WOC'n the Valley" Stockton, CA. HST (Opus 1:161/33)
From: Jon Carmichael
To: All Msg #132, 02-Dec-88 01:26am
Subject: Contract Programmers
Computer Continuum is interested in hiring contract QuickBasic Programmers
for Motion Control/Data Acquisition applications. For more information
leave a message for Eric Reiter on the Continuum BBS in San Francisco. You
must use a modem to retrieve and send your work, your location is not
important. Oh yes the number of the BBS is 415-755-1524 and is
pursuitable at 2400bps.
JONC (Sysop)
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: Project X SD, Inc. -- Home of QBTOOLS 1(215)879-8225 (1:150/613)
From: Bob Hodge
To: All Msg #133, 02-Dec-88 11:49am
Subject: ver 4.5
Excuse me if this ground has already been covered (I've been away),
but does anyone know if V4.5 fixes the ugly problem that QB had with
the LINK command line? (Specifically, giving LINK the name of the
needed library file in the object file "field".)
When I received 4.0b and realized that it was not fixed there, I
wrote a short program called LINQ that takes the LINK command line,
rearranges it, and calls LINK with it. Then, using a binary editor, I
changed the QB.exe file to call LINQ instead of LINK. It may seem
like a lot of hassle, but I like to use big libraries, and it saves
me some .EXE size.
Bob Hodge
* Origin: PC-OHIO II HST (216-291-3048) (Opus 1:157/200)
From: Tony Mace
To: All Msg #134, 01-Dec-88 04:29pm
Subject: Help with QB_FOSL.ARC
I need to take the Fossil routine out of the QB.QLB and add it to my library
of other routines. I have the MicroHelp Library and want to add it to them
because I cannot load to QLBs at once. The ARC file does not have a OBJ
file that I can add. Can anyone supply one. There is a ASM file but I do
not have any program to compile it. Is anybody willing to do this for me
ASAP. I have to have my program done by the 16 of Dec or sooner.
--- Via Silver Xpress V1.08ß That's the way, aha aha aha, I Like it!!
* Origin: Towne Crier Systems »Hst« Big Sky Country!, 12a-6a Opus: (1:346/4)
*** There is a reply. See #135.
From: Greg Dawson
To: Tony Mace Msg #135, 02-Dec-88 06:33am
Subject: Help with QB_FOSL.ARC
> I need to take the Fossil routine out of the QB.QLB and add it to my
> library
> of other routines. I have the MicroHelp Library and want to add it to
> them
> because I cannot load to QLBs at once. The ARC file does not have a OBJ
> file that I can add. Can anyone supply one. There is a ASM file but I
Sorry bout' that. When I made the original archive, I should of included
a .obj file for those that don't own MASM v5.1. If you F/R QB_FOSL.ARC
from either 106/111, or 106/110, it'll include the .obj file for QB_COM.ASM.
--- msged 1.94L MSC
* Origin: Highway 17 (1:106/110)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Mike Kirchner
To: Al Jones Msg #136, 01-Dec-88 06:46pm
Subject: Re: LastDrive from QB4
> The code that was in that message, Mike, was using x0E.
> The problem is that is was returning the code given in config.sys's
> LASTDRIVE rather than the actual last drive. (At least thatwas
I think we're talking the same function (decimal 14). Are you reading the low
end of AX on exit?
* Origin: Field Street BBS Dalton, MA 413-684-1938 (Opus 1:321/212)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Joey Capps
To: Tim Krahling Of 261/1041 Msg #137, 02-Dec-88 05:40pm
Subject: Re: QB 40 and RBBS
For some reason QB4.0 doesn't echo back when you redirect I/O until after you
press enter. I've just written a large online game that uses I/O redirection.
I tried everything to get that echo. No go. I had to write my own function to
do character at a time input and echo, then just call it from the print
statement. This seems to work fairly well. There are still a couple of
strange problems though.
1) If I/O is NOT redirected, the backspace characters DON'T backspace,
instead, you get those little blocks instead of the backspace.
2) When I/O is redirected, if you have a long input, even though you are
inputing a character at a time, QB4 apparently sticks in his own CR after so
many characters. It doesn't come into your program, so you can't do anything
about it. It doesn't show up in whatever was entered, so it looks OK, BUT, it
DOES echo out to the user's screen and he gets a sudden CR in the middle of
his input. If he just keeps on typing, it all comes out alright, but he
normally starts trying to correct it and messes up his input. THIS is a PAIN.
Still, by doing it this way, you at least can see what you are typing with I/O
redirection. My next program that needs to do this will be written in C
* Origin: Capps & Craddock Consulting I 214-288-4297 (Opus 1:124/6121)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Richard Knowles
To: Tony Ruggeri Msg #138, 04-Dec-88 12:50pm
Subject: Re: QuickBASIC and mice
There is a loaction in low memory that has to be set. It's at &H40:&h49, put
a 6 there if you're using the Hercules 0 page or 5 if you're using the 1
page. Be sure to restore what was in the location after you leave the
Hercules graphics mode.
* Origin: Nerd's Nook #1 (Opus 1:161/2)
*** This is a reply to #124.
From: Fabian Gordon
To: Alex Lotoski Msg #139, 02-Dec-88 10:15pm
> I am interested in what you have for sale. Post thru
> the for sale echo or rout list to me.
I think thou gotith the wrongith person. I don't remember posting any for
sale ads here...
--- XyWrite III+
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Quick Basic Echo Moderator - DB/Opus/HST/PCP (1:107/323)
*** This is a reply to #110.
From: Fabian Gordon
To: Darwin Collins Of 930/1 @ 930/1 Msg #140, 02-Dec-88 10:14pm
Subject: Re: A question on the speed of Math coprocessors
> I understand a Math Coprocessor will not speed
> Integer (precision2byte) numbers correct?
That's correct - '87 processors are primarily (if not only) for Floating Point
math routines. I haven't really explored QB's use of the co-processor yet,
but I assume it is on par with Microsoft's other languages.
--- XyWrite III+
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Quick Basic Echo Moderator - DB/Opus/HST/PCP (1:107/323)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Gary Korneman
To: Larry Stone Msg #141, 02-Dec-88 05:50am
Subject: <error msg> in module
Thanks for the tip on finding errors using BC.../A
Checking my manual it looks like the method is
save As a document then
MYFILE.LST will show the segment and data segments that correspond to
<error msg> in module myfile at address xxxx:yyyy
You omitted the necessary extensions
--- Opus-CBCS 1.03b <> NoOrigin 3.3
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Cmos BBS HST - St. Joseph, MO (816) 233-9186 (1:280/201)
From: Ken Wetz
To: All Msg #142, 01-Dec-88 08:31pm
Subject: qb 4.5
As I have just rejoined this echo.
How do I go about getting QB 4.5?
I moved ( divorce ) and my old address is my purchase record address.
I bought 2.0 upgraded to 3.0, 4.0 and 4.0b.
Now I want 4.5
Ken Wetz
* Origin: Crystal Visions (813) 355-1002 300/1200/2400 baud 24 Hrs. (Opus
From: Richard Liebespach
To: All Msg #143, 03-Dec-88 12:33am
Subject: BASIC to C conversion
Has anyone used any of the BASIC to C converting utilities out there?
I'll need to do some converting in the near future and would appreciate
any advice or warnings you could give me.
Thank-You...............Rick Liebespach
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Above Board - HST - Sarasota, Fl (813) 377-1470 (1:137/10)
From: Kevin Carr Of 930/5
To: George McBath Msg #144, 02-Dec-88 07:16pm
Subject: Re: PCBoard loader
Hey, when you get that done, please leave me a message on here. Wewould like
to use this on a PCBoard 14.0. My BBS is User-To-User at214-492-6565 two
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: SiLicon City RBBS(214)641-2537<HST> Home of SIDroids (1:930/5)
*** This is a reply to #35.
From: David Looney
To: Don Carroll Of 911/4 @ 911/104 Msg #145, 02-Dec-88 06:12am
Subject: Re: Quick Libraries.
> Hi , You ned to make a file and put all your *.obj's in
> it like this
> /q addmati+baseconv+bkscroll+bkspace+block+bsqueeze+calcattr+case+chec
> ksum+clreol+clrkbd+copyfile+crc+dataseg+delay+delsub+writbitf+xlate+xm
> print+xqprint+xqprintd,ADVBAS,nul,BQLB40;
> then you use the command line --> Link @obj.fil obj.fil
> is any file name that you used to put the names of your
> obj'sin the format above
Do you mean like in a text file? I will try it that and see what happens.
Hey where can I obtain all those obj files you mentioned?
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Fort Worth Opus [817 246-0959] (1:130/8)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Bryon Smith
To: Rick Maddox Msg #146, 03-Dec-88 09:07am
Subject: Re: BullGen
Did you ever find a bulletin generator for QuickBBS ?
Sounds like something that I could use.
...Bryon Smith
<Rainbow/ParaNet TAU, FidoNet 19/19>
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: Kendall BBS - Miami's First QuickBBS 305-271-2146 (1:135/4)
*** There is a reply. See #153.
From: Mike Janke
To: All Msg #147, 03-Dec-88 10:33pm
If anyone out there is using my TIMECHEK.EXE program (version 1.0), consider
this a NASTY BUG alert.
Thanks to Ed Propes, I was informed that TIMECHEK was updating the wrong user.
Seems I somehow managed to leave an important SEEK out of the program and it
read in the correct user and wrote his/her info out over the next user.
I have no idea how this one slipped by me during testing and I apologize if
this caused anyone any major problems.
Please note that this problem occured in the PASCAL version of TIMECHEK, NOT
the QuickBasic version. The Pascal .EXE file is about 16k whereas the
QuickBasic version was more like 40k (no wonder I switched languages <grin>)
so you can easily tell which you may have.
Lots downloaded the original TIMECHEK. I hope not to many got ahold of the
Pascal version.
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: Kendall BBS - Miami's First QuickBBS 305-271-2146 (1:135/4)
From: Mike Janke
To: All Msg #148, 03-Dec-88 10:39pm
Subject: ooops
Sorry guys... that last message concerning TIMECHEK was supposed to be in the
QuickBBS conference, not here. My mistake and too late to delete it.
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: Kendall BBS - Miami's First QuickBBS 305-271-2146 (1:135/4)
From: Tony Mace
To: Greg Dawson Msg #149, 03-Dec-88 07:39am
Subject: Re: Help with QB_FOSL.ARC
GD> you F/R QB_FOSL.ARC from either 106/111, or 106/110, it'll
GD> include the .obj file for QB_COM.ASM.
--- Via Silver Xpress V1.08ß That's the way, aha aha aha, I Like it!!
* Origin: Towne Crier Systems »Hst« Big Sky Country!, 12a-6a Opus: (1:346/4)
*** This is a reply to #135.
From: Andy Flatt
To: People Looking At 4.5 Msg #150, 05-Dec-88 10:57am
Subject: misc.
Apparently some hardy souls in the RBBS world have compiled that program using
4.5, and have found two things:
1) it makes an EXE file about 25 to 30k bigger than QB 3.0
2) it still has that annoying "hit any key to return to system" upon
encountering a fatal error. For a BBS system, this is unacceptable
since the thing will hang until reset.
V3.0 makes smaller code, plus there is a patch to BCOM30.LIB that causes
QuickBASIC to drop to DOS on a fatal error. This is better because the
sysop's batch file then can recycle the board. The environment isn't
nearly as nice in 3.0, but it still has some advantages. Just wanted to let
you all know about these points.
Andy Flatt, sysop The NightHawk BBS, Iowa City, IA. 319/338-2961.
* Origin: Icarus: Iowa City - Go Hawkeyes (Opus 1:283/657)
*** There is a reply. See #178.
From: David Tucker
To: All Msg #151, 04-Dec-88 07:26am
Subject: DMA?
Has anyone ever used the INP or OUT statements?
if so, where could I get a list of ports? I have norton's programmer's guide,
but haven't seen anything on it. I think port 97 is the speaker, but not
sure. would be using qb4.5.
(also, I have sent my bucks in for the 3-ring binder. Sounds like it's
similar to the 3-ring DOS manual. but I think this will be the last upgrade I
get if I have to buy it, unless there is a maintenance for 4.5)
With 4.5, what happened to NOCOM.OBJ?
I understand if I link my OBJ files with nocom (and noem?) the EXE file will
be smaller, right? can I use nocom from 4.0b?
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Above Board - HST - Sarasota, Fl (813) 377-1470 (1:137/10)
*** There is a reply. See #215.
From: David Tucker
To: All Msg #152, 04-Dec-88 07:38am
Subject: ESCAPE
Does anyone have the ways and means to COMPLETELY disable ALL possible
I just don't want anyone to have access to DOS, unless they go through a
password to a shell, also, untill it is perfected, I would put a trap in for
myself to get out of it. I have played around with bootable disks, and by
specifying a program name in IBMBIO.COM(or IBMDOS.com) instead of COMMAND.COM,
one would not get access to DOS, but if the BOSS wanted access, quitting the
program gives me CANNOT LOAD COMMAND, SYSTEM Halted, or something to that
effect. Also, If I remember, one could not CTRL-C during the boot. I don't
think this is considered copy-protecting, maybe it's system protecting.
any ideas?
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Above Board - HST - Sarasota, Fl (813) 377-1470 (1:137/10)
*** There is a reply. See #179.
From: Fabian Gordon
To: Bryon Smith Msg #153, 05-Dec-88 06:36pm
Subject: Re: BullGen
> Did you ever find a bulletin generator for QuickBBS ?
> Sounds like something that I could use.
Great, now could you please try the QuickBBS echo instead of the QUIK_BAS
Thank you.
( Wq@J x H:D9 E96D6 49F>AD H@F=5 =62C? E@ C625PX )
--- XyWrite III+
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Quick Basic Echo Moderator - DB/Opus/HST/PCP (1:107/323)
*** This is a reply to #146.
From: Troy Jones
To: Joey Capps Msg #154, 05-Dec-88 12:20am
Subject: Re: QB 40 and RBBS
To fix your backspace problem do this
if (variable name) = chr$(8) then
(variable name) = chr$(29) + " " + chr$(29)
That should work. There is a better way to do it though, and I'll leave you a
message with the code, unless someone else beats me to it.
* Origin: Software Silo "WOC'n the Valley" Stockton, CA. HST (Opus 1:161/33)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Eli Goldberg
To: All Msg #155, 04-Dec-88 12:53am
Subject: press "ANY" key
For those who might want to really check for any key pressed
like JUST a shift key or JUST the ALT key or JUST the CTRL key
you should try a DEF SEG=64 and then check PEEK(23) and PEEK(24)
for any change.
Took me a while to find, so I thought it might be of value to
someone else...
* Origin: The BackDoor BBS: Gainesville, FL <HST+OPUS> (Opus 3601/60)
From: Tony Ruggeri
To: All Msg #156, 05-Dec-88 05:37pm
Subject: Microsoft BASIC
Is there any difference between QuickBASIC and Microsoft BASIC? The
difference is supposed to be about the same as the difference between QuickC
and Microsoft C 5.0, but since I don't know what that is it doesn't help much.
Also: does QuickBASIC have any kind of maximum file size?
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Heartbreak Hotel North: Where everything is cool and froody.
*** There is a reply. See #171.
From: Jack Decker
To: All Msg #157, 05-Dec-88 01:11am
Subject: Shelling to other programs
Here's a question I hope someone can answer...
Suppose you have a QuickBasic program that uses the SHELL statement to shell
to another program (in the particular application I have in mind, I'd want to
shell to something like ARCA or PKARC or PAK10 to archive a file). Further,
suppose that the program you shell out to returns an "error code" based on the
results of the operation (for example, if the archive could not be created
because the disk was full). Is there any way to detect that error code
(a.k.a. ErrorLevel) upon return from the SHELL statement?
--- Ned 2.00/Beta 2
* Origin: Northern Bytes BBS - Fidonet (1:154/8) / LCRnet (77:1011/8)
From: Chip Harding
To: Anyone Msg #158, 04-Dec-88 07:38pm
Subject: Basrun.exe
This is a dumb question but what exactly is the runbas.exe program.
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: The Bits Bytes And Nibbles [817-735-8006] (1:130/0)
From: Don Carroll @ 911/104
To: George McBath Msg #159, 04-Dec-88 03:53pm
Subject: Re: Comm routines
Hi I called to download it and could not because of SEC level
--- msged 1.943L MSC
# Origin: Comland PcBoard, (714) 882-7181, San Bernardino CA (8:911/104)
* Origin: Network Gateway to RBBS-NET (RBBS-PC 1:103/710)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Dave Cleary
To: Alistair Stewart Msg #160, 04-Dec-88 10:51am
Subject: Re: Zone 3
> I do have a fairly specific question for you all though....
> I have found that using the TIMER function when using assembler
> proceedures tends to currupt the string space and all kinds of other
> nastys. Has anyone else noticed this and does 4.5 have the same
> problems?
Can you be more specific about this problem. I use the TIMER function with a
library of assembly routines and I have not come across this. Also, to cut
down on the phone charges, if you can't find it in Europe, I can set you up as
a point off of the board I use. Then you would call it up and you would get
all new messages sent to you in a packet which you would read off line and
your replys would be sent in a packet also. Let me know via netmail if you are
interested. I am at 1:141/730.
Later Dave
--- msged 1.94L MSC
* Origin: Deadmans Point on Treasure Island (1:141/730.1)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Dave Cleary
To: Darwin Collins Of 930/1 @ 930/1 Msg #161, 04-Dec-88 11:01am
Subject: A question on the speed of Math coprocessors
> How much would a Math Coprocessor help in adding (accumulating) Whole
> (less then 7 digits) Single precision numbers?
> using QB 4.0 ...
> like, in adding a hundred number what will the speed advantage be?
> I understand a Math Coprocessor will not speed Integer (precision2byte)
> numbers correct?
> thanx
The speed difference is enormous for floating point calculations. I don't have
any numbers right now but its a few hundred percent for intense floating point
Later Dave
--- msged 1.94L MSC
* Origin: Deadmans Point on Treasure Island (1:141/730.1)
*** This is a reply to #140.
From: Eli Goldberg Of 3601/60
To: Probas Users... Msg #162, 05-Dec-88 03:23pm
Subject: update
Well has everyone got their update info to ProBas?
Looks good, huh? I will like the ARC features...
According to Hammerly, my copy of ProBas 3.0 went out
on November 22nd, so I should have it any day now...
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: The BackDoor BBS in Gainesville, FL (904)373-6055 <HST> -
From: Jerry Brenner
To: Dave Cleary Msg #163, 06-Dec-88 04:05pm
Subject: Re: QuickBasic & Structures
Dave, the question was about how to read data files created with one language
using another language. I realize that Basic handles strings
much differently than C, but they are stored to disk essentially the same. The
string descriptor is not stored on disk when you save a basic string.
* Origin: The Other BBS, Hbg PA (Opus 1:150/501)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Al Jones
To: Mike Kirchner Msg #164, 07-Dec-88 12:58pm
Subject: Re: LastDrive from QB4
>> The code that was in that message, Mike, was using x0E.
>> The problem is that is was returning the code given in config.sys's
>> The code that was in that message, Mike, was using x0E.
>> LASTDRIVE rather than the actual last drive. (At least that was
> I think we're talking the same function (decimal 14). Are
> you reading the low end of AX on exit?
Of course, however what I'm seeing returned is one of the following more or
less in order:
Lastdrive from CONFIG.SYS (LASTDRIVE=J for networks, for
Actual High Drive (if it's greater than ...
The apparent default of systems with a hard drive (which is
drive 'E'.
With the same physical system (1 floppy) 2 hard drives ('C'
and 'D') it will return
&h0A if config sys contains a 'Lastdrive=J' so I can
can use the network.
&h05 if I have no lastdrive in config.sys (default
lastdrive = 'e')
Before you ask - No ther is no RAMDrive in here ...
Any suggestions ...
* Origin: TreeShare * Houston TX * (713) 363-9424 * 9600 HST (Opus
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Joey Capps
To: Troy Jones Msg #165, 07-Dec-88 10:46am
Subject: Re: QB 40 and RBBS
> That should work. There is a better way to do it though,
> and I'll leave you a message with the code, unless someone
> else beats me to it.
Thank you very much for your response. I'll try this at once. And am looking
forward to your next message.
* Origin: Capps & Craddock Consulting I 214-288-4297 (Opus 1:124/6121)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Jack Decker
To: All Msg #166, 06-Dec-88 09:31pm
Subject: Nasty QB4 bug
Here's one that bit me today... try running the following code segment:
D$ = "###,###.##"
DIM CHKDATA$(500, 2), CHKDATA%(500, 4), CHKDATA&(500, 4)
A = 500
CHKDATA&(A, 1) = 2000: CHKDATA&(A, 2) = 0: CHKDATA&(A, 3) = 0
(This is a vastly stripped down code segment from a program). Note especially
the last four lines. Try running it from the QB4 environment and the final
PRINT statement correctly prints a value of 2000.
Now try compiling it as a stand-alone .EXE file. Then run the .EXE file and
note that you get a value that is vastly out of line (I got -33492746).
Anyone know why this happens, or what I can do about it?
P.S. I am using the upgraded version of 4.0 (4.0b ?) that Microsoft was
sending out prior to releasing 4.5...
--- Ned 2.00/Beta 2
* Origin: Northern Bytes BBS - Fidonet (1:154/8) / LCRnet (77:1011/8)
*** There is a reply. See #183.
From: Don Carroll @ 911/104
To: David Looney Msg #167, 07-Dec-88 02:10am
Subject: Re: Quick Libraries.
ADVBAS99.arc an PD asm lib for 4.0
It is on my system -->714-882-7181
--- msged 1.943L MSC
# Origin: Comland PcBoard, (714) 882-7181, San Bernardino CA (8:911/104)
* Origin: Network Gateway to RBBS-NET (RBBS-PC 1:103/710)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Don Carroll @ 911/104
To: David Looney Msg #168, 07-Dec-88 02:12am
Subject: Re: Quick Libraries.
one more thing , do not cut off the filename like in the message i sent you
do it like this
/q xxx+xxxxx+xxxxx+xxxxxx+xxxxx+
where xxxx = your obj files , and yes it is a text file
--- msged 1.943L MSC
# Origin: Comland PcBoard, (714) 882-7181, San Bernardino CA (8:911/104)
* Origin: Network Gateway to RBBS-NET (RBBS-PC 1:103/710)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Chuck Sanders
To: All Msg #169, 06-Dec-88 12:08pm
Subject: help with QB 4.5
I don't have a mouse. But would like to be able to read the "HOT KEYS" on
screen. In order to read what key I need to press have to run the menu bar
down or over to the item. Anyone know how to make them visable. Have used Qb
since ver 2 and until know this has not been a problem, thanks.
* Origin: COSUG - Colorados Premier Users' Group (Opus 1:128/13)
From: James Deibele
To: All Msg #170, 08-Dec-88 01:03am
Subject: TurboBASIC Question
Somebody I know is having trouble getting a program compiled with TurboBASIC
to run under MS Windows. I'm aware that this is the QuickBASIC area, but I'm
hoping that one of you is knowledgable enough to give some pointers on what
might be going wrong.
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: TECHbooks_One, Portland, OR +1(503)760-1473 G (1:105/4)
*** There is a reply. See #201.
From: Jeff Boerio
To: Tony Ruggeri Msg #171, 07-Dec-88 05:04am
Subject: Re: Microsoft BASIC
TR> Is there any difference between QuickBASIC and
TR> Microsoft BASIC? The difference is supposed to be
TR> about the same as the difference between QuickC and
TR> Microsoft C 5.0, but since I don't know what that is
TR> it doesn't help much. Also: does QuickBASIC have any
TR> kind of maximum file size?
There's a BIG difference between QuickBASIC and Microsoft BASIC. QuickBASIC
is an entire programming environment that actually checks your program as you
type it in. That makes for very fast compilation time. I have found
QuickBASIC to be several times better than the old Microsoft BASIC.
If you have the means, and enjoy programming in BASIC, I suggest you pick up a
copy of QuickBASIC and learn how to use it.
As for the difference in QuickC and MSC 5.0, it's the same kind of thing. The
language is the same, but QuickC is a programming environment, instead of just
a compiler.
- Jeff
--- Sirius 1.0k
--- QM v0.17
* Origin: The Jungle BBS: Providing Support for Users of Qui (1:201/100.0)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: John Knox
To: David Tucker Msg #172, 08-Dec-88 12:37pm
Subject: 4.5 manuals
> (also, I have sent my bucks in for the 3-ring binder.
> Sounds like it's similar to the 3-ring DOS manual. but
> I think this will be the last upgrade I get if I have
> to buy it, unless there is a maintenance for 4.5)
Let us know what you think about the manuals (3 ring binder) for 4.5. If
they're good, I'll shell out $25 for them. Sure beats the heck out of these
ones I've got from 4.0 that fell apart!
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: American Fido - SEAdog/Fido v12I (405)843-5002 FidoNet (1:147/7)
From: George McBath
To: Don Carroll @ 911/104 Msg #173, 08-Dec-88 01:36pm
Subject: Re: Comm routines
Sorry about that Don! I fixed your account up.
--- msged 1.943S ZTC
* Origin: The Swap Shop * A Texas Tradition * (713) 777 2977 (1:106/222)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Larry Westhaver
To: All Msg #174, 08-Dec-88 05:44pm
Subject: ErrorLevel
Sure would be nice to see a couple of statements added to the language such
and possibly:
n = SHELL("CHKDSK") ' function to get a DOS ERRORLEVEL
Just dreamin....
Lawrence A. Westhaver
Sysop, QuickBASIC BBS
Data: (301) 799-8564
Voice: (301) 799-1975
PS. What do you want santa to change in QB???
* Origin: SyncPoint (301-682-2731) Balto, Md <IFNA> (Opus 1:261/1008)
From: John Wager
To: Alex Lotoski Msg #175, 01-Dec-88 09:25pm
Subject: Re: Editor Writen In Basic
There is at least one excellent shareware editor written in Basic. It
is by Bruce Tonkin, who wrote some for PC-Recource, I think. It is called MY
Word! (a Wordstar 3.3 clone), and comes with complete bound
documentation. I suggest you write him about source code. He has also
written a database "creator" (compiles specialized database program) and
"Bruce's Basic Compiler" (a basic compiler written IN basic). He
is a basic guru. His company is TNT Software, 34069 Hainesville Rd.,
Round Lake, IL 60073. Phone (voice) 312-223-8595.
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: The Gator BBS - a faster way to "WOC" (1:115/473)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Eli Goldberg Of 3601/60
To: All Msg #176, 08-Dec-88 07:19pm
Subject: PROBAS 3.0
HEY! Guess what I just got today's UPS shipment?
The new PROBAS.....
I'll say this much, the manual now looks really great, it is broken down
into two volumes (intro+tutor / reference+index)
and is absolutely packed with routines! Comes with 3 disks now.
There are more examples for the commands, and little pictures next to
hints or reminders or special info to get your attention.
Oh, and no more cheap binding! Real looseleaf holders like the BASCOM 6 setup.
Well worth the update folks...
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: The BackDoor BBS in Gainesville, FL (904)373-6055 <HST> -
From: Rob Smetana @ 914/201
To: Paul Havemann Msg #177, 08-Dec-88 02:48pm
Subject: RE:quickbasic 4
Regarding QB 4.0 bugs--- yes, it's very real. There are several bugs
in 4.0. Many were corrected with a 'maintenance release' -- 4.0b. This
is available free from our beloved Microsoft (your nickle for the call).
I'd guess 4.5 is also free from these also--but haven't tested them.
One of the bugs affected BLOAD. When a program tried a BLOAD under
DOS 2.1 (Microsoft says ONLY DOS 2.1, but other 2.x versions may also
cause a crash), the program would error-out with a 'Path' error. We
wrote a program, distributed hundreds of copies, and are now getting
letters from all over the country asking why the prog. won't work. DOS
2.1 plus QB 4.0 is the culprit. Thanks Microsoft....
There were other 4.0 bugs as well. That's one (of many) reasons
many of us compile from outside the QB editor.
Anyway, upgrade to 4.0b or 4.5 and most bugs vanish. It might help
to let PBS (or other shareware vendors) know most of these QB bugs are
unique to programs compiled under 4.0. My concern is they'll banish all
QB-compiled programs, many of which are fine.
Hope this helps....
--- RBBSMAIL 17.1A
# Origin: SF PCUG BBS (415)621-2609-HST-(FIDO 1:125/41) (RBBS-PC 8:914/201)
* Origin: Network Gateway to RBBS-NET (RBBS-PC 1:103/710)
From: David Rice
To: Andy Flatt Msg #178, 09-Dec-88 12:34pm
Subject: misc.
I find 3.0 MUCH preferable over later releases. Microsoft took a step
backwards, in my opinion, offering smaller string space, RAM in the
environment, etc.
* Origin: Bourbon St. West - WOC'n the Paradise (Opus 1:103/506)
*** This is a reply to #150.
From: Tony Mace
To: David Tucker Msg #179, 08-Dec-88 12:47pm
Subject: Re: Escape
DT> something to that effect. Also, If I remember, one could not
DT> CTRL-C during the boot. I don't think this is considered
DT> copy-protecting, maybe it's system protecting. any ideas? thanx
Look for a program called pc-lock. It will modify your hard drive so that if
someone boots dos from a: the hard drive does not exist and if they boot
DOS from the hard drive it will ask for a password before the booting will
finish and allow access to dos. It also has a lock feature while the program
is running. It will blank the screen and only accecpt the password to get
back into the program and all other keys (including CTL-ALT-DEL) are ignored.
If you want you can file request it from me a PC-LOCK.PAK from 12am to 6am
mountain time.....
BTW, I am using pak10.exe for my ARC(tm)hive packer.......
--- Via Silver Xpress V1.010ß Thats The Way, aha aha aha, I Like It!!
* Origin: Towne Crier Systems »Hst« Big Sky Country!, 12a-6a Opus: (1:346/4)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Mike Kirchner
To: Al Jones Msg #180, 09-Dec-88 07:51pm
Subject: Re: LastDrive from QB4
> Any suggestions ...
Nothing as exact as a system call...
You might try setting an error trap and changing drives until you
find it. That is A - End, when error is trapped... back up 1.
Sorry... but I'm tapped out on intelligent solutions to this one.
Good Luck!
* Origin: Field Street BBS Dalton, MA 413-684-1938 (Opus 1:321/212)
*** This is a reply to #164.
From: Dale Ziner
To: Kevin Watkins Msg #181, 11-Dec-88 02:09pm
Subject: Re: quick basic(a dead lauguage)
The commands I haven't quite figured out how to translate are :
CALL MOVETO (330,17) LINE (0,40)-(1,53),,bf PICTURE (320,479),MED$
Other than those code lines and rewritting the input files it *looks* fairly
Any ideals what the IBM equivilatant to them are?
--- ConfMail V3.31
* Origin: C.O.N.T.R.O.L. « WOC'in the line » (612)591-7670 (1:282/15)
*** This is a reply to #106.
From: Dale Ziner
To: Tom Smith Msg #182, 11-Dec-88 02:20pm
Subject: Re: Mac to PC port
What are the IBM way of doing the following :
PICTURE (320,479), MED$
LINE (0,40)-(1,531),,bf
CALL MOVETO (h,6+space*(v-1))
In addition to changeing those commands I will have to rename and redeclare
the input files.
Any help would be appreiciated alot.
Dale Ziner
--- ConfMail V3.31
* Origin: C.O.N.T.R.O.L. « WOC'in the line » (612)591-7670 (1:282/15)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: David West
To: Jack Decker Msg #183, 12-Dec-88 07:16am
Subject: Re: Nasty QB4 bug
> Here's one that bit me today... try running the following
> code segment:
I tried your code using Version 4.5, and it worked correctly both within quick
basic and as a stand alone file. Evidently, Microsoft fixed it with the new
* Origin: Nick's Nest, Vadnais Hts, MN (612) 490-1187 (Opus 1:282/3)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Del Dawley
To: Anyone Msg #184, 12-Dec-88 09:19pm
Subject: Sorts
I am trying to do a sort on a dimensioned string.
Is there an easy way to do it?
Any help from a master mind is appreciated.
* Origin: Nick's Nest, Vadnais Hts, MN (612) 490-1187 (Opus 1:282/3)
*** There is a reply. See #198.
From: David Blair
To: Jack Decker Msg #185, 13-Dec-88 04:22pm
Subject: re: Nasty QB4 bug
Don't ask me why, but I got the same results. After doing a MASSIVE amount of
war with the code, I discovered that by removing the $DYNAMIC line, it worked
The version of Turbo Basic I have ( a beta version) worked correctly with or
without $DYNAMIC.
I'll try to play with it under Codeview and see if I can get a clue.
Or perhaps, someone else already has...
--- ConfMail V3.31
* Origin: St. Louis Heath User's Fido - St. Louis, MO. (1:100/512)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Troy Jones
To: Joey Capps Msg #186, 13-Dec-88 02:08pm
Subject: BackSpace
Ok, here is the other backspace. I suggest using this one, as it works
BackSpace = INSTR(InString$, CHR$(8))
IF BackSpace THEN
MID$(InString$, BackSpace) = CHR$(29)
Ok, thats its. Just put that in a loop somewhere. Since I don't know
what your code looks like, I can't help you anymore. But there you go.
* Origin: Software Silo "WOC'n the Valley" Stockton, CA. HST (Opus 1:161/33)
*** There is a reply. See #191.
From: Larry Stone
To: Tony Ruggeri Msg #187, 11-Dec-88 06:05pm
Subject: Re: Microsoft BASIC
> Is there any difference between QuickBASIC and Microsoft BASIC?
There is a great deal of difference between QuickBASIC (QB) and PC or GW
BASIC. About as much difference as between a Moped motorbike and a 1200cc
Harley Davidson. Both the Moped and the Harley use recipocating engines, but
the similarities soon end. The same applies to QB and BASIC. They both
employ the same fundemental syntax, but the similarities soon end. Here are
some quotes, page xi, of my QB4 Language Reference Manual:
"QuickBASIC's advanced features provide user-defined data types, recursion..."
[The TYPE, END TYPE syntax make manipulation of random acces files
faster and easier to work with.]
"At the same time, its BASICA compatibility retains the parts of the language
that have made BASIC an ideal language..."
[Notice the word "parts". Of the 533 pages of the Language Reference,
386 pages refer to the built-in commands - other built-in commands exist,
some were excluded because Microsoft does not support them and others,
such as SLEEP were simply overlooked when the manual was made.]
"Subprograms allow you to seperate programs into distinct modules."
"FUNCTION procedures provide complete, flexible, user-defined functions that
offer a powerful alternative to DEF FN statements."
[The ability to write subprograms and functions are probably, the single
biggest asset of QB. Parameters can be passed between modules, sub-
programs and functions by reference or by value. Further, subprograms
and functions can be declared static or automatic (similar to the PRIVATE
and PUBLIC concepts of other structured languages.
"User-defined data types allows you to combine numeric variables and strings
into new, compound types of variables."
[Again, refer to the TYPE statement, example:
TYPE BusinessAccounts
Name AS STRING * 25
AmmountDue AS LONG
"QuickBASIC lets you write recursive procedures - procedures that can call
[A very powerful tool - most useful in performing math functions that
have to work by process of elimination.]
"QuickBASIC arrays may have positive and negative subscripts."
"QuickBASIC supports binary file I/O."
> Also: does QuickBASIC have any kind of maximum file size?
QB has a limit on the amount of string space available, however, this can be
greatly increased by linking modules together and by using a far call to the
Dgroup with the syntax $DYNAMIC. The number of modules and how your code
allocates memory will affect the size of a QB file.
* Origin: ╬ CfC#16 ╬ Coos Bay 503/269-1935 (8:7000/16) ╬ (Opus 1:152/18)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Bob Ransom
To: All Msg #188, 13-Dec-88 07:28am
Subject: Exiting to errorlevel
I know this was just discussed here recently, but I can't find any of the
messages (and don't remember which way the discussion went). Anyway, the
question is how do I make a QB program exit with an errorlevel. I know
it's not built-in, nor easy, but I figure there's *got* to be SOME way to
do it... ? (Maybe some piece of ASM code or something?)
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: The CREATIVE CONNECTION-Southfield, MI-(313) 559-9039 (1:120/96)
*** There is a reply. See #208.
From: Paul Wolf
To: Tony Mace Msg #189, 14-Dec-88 01:42am
Subject: Escape
-> DT> something to that effect. Also, If I remember, one could not
-> DT> CTRL-C during the boot. I don't think this is considered
-> DT> copy-protecting, maybe it's system protecting. any ideas? thanx
-> Look for a program called pc-lock. It will modify your hard drive so that
-> someone boots dos from a: the hard drive does not exist and if they boot
-> DOS from the hard drive it will ask for a password before the booting will
-> finish and allow access to dos. It also has a lock feature while the
-> is running. It will blank the screen and only accecpt the password to get
-> back into the program and all other keys (including CTL-ALT-DEL) are
-> If you want you can file request it from me a PC-LOCK.PAK from 12am to 6am
-> mountain time.....
-> -Tony
-> BTW, I am using pak10.exe for my ARC(tm)hive packer.......
Uhhhhrrr, Tony: What's the phone number?
--- via XRS 0.50
* Origin: Wear'n out Clones in Chas, SC (TComm 1:372/888.580)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Tom Smith
To: Dale Ziner Msg #190, 14-Dec-88 03:43pm
Subject: Re: Mac to PC port
These two commands have no equivalent in the IBM world. You are limited to a
single font and size. LINE (0,4
The line command works the same as on the Mac
> CALL MOVETO (h,6+space*(v-1))
This is the last part of a two part command. First, you must GET a retangular
area from the screen and then you c{an PUT it anywhere you want. PUTting an
object on top of itself will remove it. Crude, but it works.
* Origin: Icarus: Iowa City - Go Hawkeyes (Opus 1:283/657)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Joey Capps
To: Troy Jones Msg #191, 14-Dec-88 05:37pm
Subject: Re: BackSpace
Thanks for your help on the backspace problem.
* Origin: Capps & Craddock Consulting I 214-288-4297 (Opus 1:124/6121)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Greg Dawson
To: Tony Ruggeri Msg #192, 14-Dec-88 10:06am
Subject: Re: Microsoft BASIC
> I have QuickBASIC, and yes, it's really nice. But if QuickBASIC is
> supposed to be the complete environment and BASIC isn't, why does
> QuickBASIC cost $60 and Microsoft BASIC costs $300???
MS BASIC will allow you to compile programs to run under OS/2 as well
as DOS. QB does not.
--- msged 1.94L MSC
* Origin: Highway 17 (1:106/111)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Larry Westhaver
To: Larry Stone Msg #193, 14-Dec-88 12:19am
Subject: Re: BASIC Tools
Larry, what version of QB are you using??? All of my docs say nothing about
/g meaning to read command line parameters from right to left but rather the
/g signifies that you want fast screen updates (no snow checking) in the
I am curious though... are you sure that QB is able to load multiple .QLB
libraries into the editor? If so I can't find it in the docs. It does seem
that QB /l thislib.qlb thatlib.qlb otherlib.qlb could be a nice feature.
Lawrence A. Westhaver
Sysop, QuickBASIC BBS
Data: (301) 799-8564
Voice: (301) 799-1975
* Origin: SyncPoint (301-682-2731) Balto, Md <IFNA> (Opus 1:261/1008)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Gary Shell
To: George Starr Msg #194, 12-Dec-88 12:41pm
Subject: Re: CHR$(0)
> Beats me.... Have you called or written microsoft yet?
> it may be a bug.. also try it with basica.. or gwbasic..
I did try it with QB3.0, but not basica. I'll do that.
* Origin: THE ZOO BBS HST (Opus 1:108/50)
From: Don Carroll @ 911/104
To: George McBath Msg #195, 10-Dec-88 12:05pm
Subject: Re: Comm routines
Thanks George !!
I got the File
--- msged 1.943L MSC
# Origin: Comland PcBoard, (714) 882-7181, San Bernardino CA (8:911/104)
* Origin: Network Gateway to RBBS-NET (RBBS-PC 1:103/710)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Luiz Gastal @ 914/201
To: All Msg #196, 11-Dec-88 11:18am
Subject: Nocom.obj
I received version 4.5 of QuikBASIC, but do not find NOCOM.OBJ
Is it because it is no longer used in the new version ?
Many Thanks
Luiz Gastal
--- RBBSMAIL 17.1A
# Origin: SF PCUG BBS (415)621-2609-HST-(FIDO 1:125/41) (RBBS-PC 8:914/201)
* Origin: Network Gateway to RBBS-NET (RBBS-PC 1:103/710)
From: Alex Lotoski
To: John Wager Msg #197, 14-Dec-88 07:19am
Subject: Re: Editor Writen In Basic
Thanks for the info John.
Much obliged,
--- msged 1.87S ZTC
* Origin: ####### NORTHWAY * (508) 393-5346 ####### (fidonet 1:322/540)
*** This is a reply to #175.
From: Mike Kirchner
To: Del Dawley Msg #198, 15-Dec-88 07:53pm
Subject: Re: Sorts
Take a look at the Sort Demo in the QB Disks. There's alos a listing ion the
Selected Topics Docs.
--- * Origin: Field Street BBS Dalton, MA 413-684-1938 (Opus 1:321/212)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Tony Ruggeri
To: Larry Stone Msg #199, 15-Dec-88 06:49pm
Subject: Re: Microsoft BASIC
Oops... maybe I should have been a little more specific... I meant the
Microsoft BASIC compiler- like the C compiler V5.0. Sorry about all the
trouble (I already have QB4.0)...
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Heartbreak Hotel North: Where everything is cool and froody.
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Tony Ruggeri
To: All Msg #200, 15-Dec-88 06:54pm
Subject: Another BUG?!!
Sometimes when I write a short program in QB and run it from the environment I
get a run-time error which prevents me from running the program: for instance,
the statement:
Garners a "Duplicate Definition" error, even though the variable of r is
mentioned no where else. If I change the variable, to, say, an x, the error
message goes away.
ANy ideas why?
Also, why does QuickBASIC sometimes just jump to the top of a large file
instead of running it the first time Start is picked from the Run menu?
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Heartbreak Hotel North: Where everything is cool and froody.
*** There is a reply. See #236.
From: Christopher Young
To: James Deibele Msg #201, 13-Dec-88 06:25am
Subject: Re: TurboBASIC Question
Could you give a little more information please??? LIke :
What "problem" is your friend having?
1. Error in calling MS windows?
2. Error in Program syntax that calls Ms Windows..
3. some other possible error...
usually, if you give some hints as to what you are doing will help in
diagnosing a problem... I'm familiar with Turbobasic and would like to help
but need some extra info..
--- ConfMail V3.31
* Origin: RoboCoder -- The Future Of Computer Programming (1:147/42)
*** This is a reply to #170.
From: Christopher Young
To: Larry Westhaver Msg #202, 13-Dec-88 06:29am
Subject: what santa should do to quickbasic
Well here's a few things *I'd* like to see with Quickbasic (or any other BASIC
for that matter)
1. Direct support for ONLINE program developers.. By this I mean special
instructions that take the complexity out of online
communications..Take for example :
Statements like : X% = BAUD(commport) to tell program what baud rate is in
effect before you open a file to the modem.
IF NOT CARRIER(2) then end... instant carrier detect..
IF CONNECT(2) goto...
These are just the ones on the top of my head.. Since BBS'ing is getting
larger these days, It would be NICE if the developers would at least
take online functions into consideration.. oh, and putting out a brun that
does not have to be patched..
I, Myself am Using QB 3.0. I have a door program I wrote using that
version of Quickbasic. (a later subject if you request it). I have
no ventured into 4.0 as of yet because I don't have the book for
qb4. Someone gave me the compiler but I will end up buying the thing
later on WITH the books.. and after reading a few messages in this echo, I now
know there is a 4.5 version ?!? so I want to wait and see
what happens..like wait for things to settle down a bit.. Geez, I remember
when 1.0 came out, and it was a big hit then!.. but as others have said, it
seems that the higher versions are going backwards in forward in others..
(forward as in call interupt and the like).
I am sticking with 3.0 until I find a better version!
Christopher Young
--- ConfMail V3.31
* Origin: RoboCoder -- The Future Of Computer Programming (1:147/42)
From: David Looney
To: Don Carroll @ 911/104 Msg #203, 15-Dec-88 07:09am
Subject: Re: Quick Libraries.
> one more thing , do not cut off the filename like in the
> message i sent you, do it like this
Thanks, I copied my BQLB40.LIB file to a work dir where I linked everything
and that took care of the problem, but I do appreciate the help.
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Fort Worth Opus [817 246-0959] (1:130/8)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: David Looney
To: Don Carroll @ 911/104 Msg #204, 15-Dec-88 07:13am
Subject: Re: Quick Libraries.
> ADVBAS99.arc an PD asm lib for 4.0
How big a file is it, as I am in Texas. Maybe you could tell me how to do a
file request or can you just send it out.
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Fort Worth Opus [817 246-0959] (1:130/8)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Tom Smith
To: Greg Dawson Msg #205, 17-Dec-88 11:58am
Subject: Re: Microsoft BASIC
Two other points: QuickBASIC is included with BASIC 6.0, and BASIC 6.0 is an
optimizing compiler, as opposed to QB which is not.
* Origin: Icarus: Iowa City - Go Hawkeyes (Opus 1:283/657)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Hugh Martin
To: Andy Flatt Msg #206, 10-Dec-88 09:25pm
Subject: Problems with QB 4.0/4.5
QuickBasic 3.0 is also faster than 4.0 (and presumably 4.5, since the
major addition is access to reference material). My own benchmarks on
a 10Mhz XT clone show the following:
Floating point math 1.16 2.70 -2.3
Integer math .45 1.54 -3.4
String character substitution .66 .77 -1.1
String concatenation .93 2.69 -2.9
Metz sort using pointers .99 .99 1.0
Version 4.0 was so full of bugs that I could not use it, to boot!
Version 3.0 continues to be the workhorse for me.
* Origin: COSUG - Colorados Premier Users' Group (Opus 1:128/13)
From: Tony Mace
To: Paul Wolf Msg #207, 15-Dec-88 10:52am
Subject: Re: Escape
PW> Uhhhhrrr, Tony: What's the phone number?
PW> pw
Sorry, forgot not in my origin line.
Number is 406-862-2346, hours 12am-6am mountain time.... (no 2-3 for mail)
P.S. Sorry guys, i know this is not Quick Basic stuff but we are done with
this thread......
--- Via Silver Xpress V1.112ß Silver Xpress....All the Way!!
* Origin: Towne Crier Systems »Hst« Big Sky Country!, 12a-6a Opus: (1:346/4)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Kevin Watkins
To: Bob Ransom Msg #208, 15-Dec-88 08:01am
Subject: Re: Exiting to errorlevel
BR>question is how do I make a QB program exit with an errorlevel.
This is the QB 4.0 code in order to set the errorlevel and exit the program.
Please remember that after exiting the CALL statement the program WILL EXIT.
BE SURE YOU CLOSE ANY OPEN FILES FIRST! This code You must compile any program
using this routine with library QB.LIB. There is probably an easier way but
here us what I came up with. I use this in a program that I wrote that checks
the day of the week and then exits with an errorlevel (1-7) based upon that
day. It works great for automatically running different programs on seperate
TYPE RegType ' Define the type needed for INTERRUPT
DECLARE SUB INTERRUPT (intnum AS INTEGER, inreg AS RegType, outreg AS RegType)
' ** above statements not required if you are using the INCLUDE 'QB.BI'
DIM inregs AS RegType, outregs AS RegType
inregs.ax = &H4C01 '&H4C is the function number
'01 is the return code. It can be 00-255
CALL INTERRUPT(&H21, inregs, outregs) ' call interrupt level 21
* Origin: ▒▓░ Freedom One - Jonesboro, AR ▒▓░ (Opus 1:389/6)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Tony Cooper
To: All Msg #209, 15-Dec-88 08:30pm
Subject: Glib12-4.arc
Has anyone seen this file? I have the version for Qb 3.0 but have upgraded to
4.0 and can't locate the file. I tried logging on to the bbs of the author,
but they are not taking new users! Only way to get the file is thru all of
you sooo, if you know where it can be had, leave me a note.
Thanks in advance,
* Origin: Small Time BBS - Raleigh, NC 919-781-7047 (Opus 1:364/701)
From: Dave Cleary
To: Tony Ruggeri Msg #210, 15-Dec-88 08:11pm
Subject: Re: Microsoft BASIC
> I have QuickBASIC, and yes, it's really nice. But if QuickBASIC is
> supposed to be the complete environment and BASIC isn't, why does
> QuickBASIC cost $60 and Microsoft BASIC costs $300???
The same reason QuickC costs $60 and Microsoft C cost $400. It all depends on
the optimazation the compiler can do.
Later Dave
--- msged 1.94L MSC
* Origin: Deadmans Point on Treasure Island (1:141/730.1)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Dave Cleary
To: Jack Decker Msg #211, 15-Dec-88 08:13pm
Subject: Compiling from the environment
> I have another question... when I compile one of my programs from the
> environment, it calls bc with the following switches set:
> BC <filespec>/E/X/O/T/C:512;
> I can understand the /E/X/O options, since I specified a stand-alone .EXE
> file and my program uses error trapping with RESUME <linenumber>
> statements. BUT, what on earth is /T ? The manual doesn't give a clue
The /T means terse. It is so if you get any warnings, I.E. Array not
dimensioned, your program will continue to compile and link instead of
aborting. Had to call Microsoft for that one.
> (at least, not in any logical place to look). And, why the C:512? My
> program does NOT use the communications buffer at all (in fact, I'm
> linking it with nocom). Does that switch increase the size of my
> program, or the amount of memory required by the program (either of which
> would be undesirable)?
I don't know their reason for doing that.
Later Dave
--- msged 1.94L MSC
* Origin: Deadmans Point on Treasure Island (1:141/730.1)
*** There is a reply. See #217.
From: Tony Ruggeri
To: Jeff Boerio Msg #212, 11-Dec-88 01:46pm
Subject: Re: Microsoft BASIC
I have QuickBASIC, and yes, it's really nice. But if QuickBASIC is supposed
to be the complete environment and BASIC isn't, why does QuickBASIC cost $60
and Microsoft BASIC costs $300???
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Heartbreak Hotel North: Where everything is cool and froody.
*** This is a reply to #210.
From: Leon Poley
To: All Msg #213, 11-Dec-88 06:31pm
* Origin: The Wizard's Domain |HIDDEN IN THE EYE OF THE STORM| (Opus 1:389/2)
From: Dave Cleary
To: Jerry Brenner Msg #214, 09-Dec-88 05:57am
Subject: Re: QuickBasic & Structures
> Dave, the question was about how to read data files created with one
> language using another language. I realize that Basic handles strings
> much differently than C, but they are stored to disk essentially the
> same. The string descriptor is not stored on disk when you save a basic
> string.
I stand corrected.
Later Dave
--- msged 1.94L MSC
* Origin: Deadmans Point on Treasure Island (1:141/730.1)
*** This is a reply to #163.
From: Dave Cleary
To: David Tucker Msg #215, 12-Dec-88 04:44pm
Subject: DMA?
> Has anyone ever used the INP or OUT statements?
> if so, where could I get a list of ports? I have norton's programmer's
> guide, but haven't seen anything on it. I think port 97 is the speaker,
> but not sure. would be using qb4.5.
I have used INP and OUT a lot but with a decoder card that lets you build your
own expansion cards. What exactly are you trying to do?
Later Dave
--- msged 1.94L MSC
* Origin: Deadmans Point on Treasure Island (1:141/730.1)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Dave Cleary
To: David Tucker Msg #216, 12-Dec-88 04:47pm
Subject: ESCAPE
> Does anyone have the ways and means to COMPLETELY disable ALL possible
> I just don't want anyone to have access to DOS, unless they go through a
> password to a shell, also, untill it is perfected, I would put a trap in
> for myself to get out of it. I have played around with bootable disks,
If you compile without the debug option, QB doesn't recognize a CTRL-BREAK. I
don't understand how any of those other keys would allow access to DOS. I have
written programs that required me to reboot because I left out a way to
terminate it. Unless a runtime error happens, you can't get to DOS.
Later Dave
--- msged 1.94L MSC
* Origin: Deadmans Point on Treasure Island (1:141/730.1)
*** This is a reply to #207.
From: Jack Decker
To: All Msg #217, 10-Dec-88 03:41am
Subject: Compiling from the environment
I have another question... when I compile one of my programs from the
environment, it calls bc with the following switches set:
BC <filespec>/E/X/O/T/C:512;
I can understand the /E/X/O options, since I specified a stand-alone .EXE file
and my program uses error trapping with RESUME <linenumber> statements. BUT,
what on earth is /T ? The manual doesn't give a clue (at least, not in any
logical place to look). And, why the C:512? My program does NOT use the
communications buffer at all (in fact, I'm linking it with nocom). Does that
switch increase the size of my program, or the amount of memory required by
the program (either of which would be undesirable)?
My program runs so I guess I should not worry about such things, but I just
like to know WHY certain things are done as they are. Any clues would be much
--- Ned 2.00/Beta 2
* Origin: Northern Bytes BBS - LCRnet (77:1011/8) / Fidonet (1:154/8)
*** This is a reply to #211.
From: Larry Westhaver
To: David Tucker Msg #218, 12-Dec-88 02:42am
Subject: effects
David, I hope you were the one asking about how some games appear to
make the screen shake... If you were then let me throw in my 2 cents.
If I'm not mistaken these games don't shake the screen by doing direct
video writes since it would take to long to redraw the screen several
times a second. I believe what they are doing is reprogramming the
CRT controller chip to view the video ram differently thus making the
picture appear shifted up/down/left/right. This can yield the desired
effect and with great speed. Just to prove out this theory I wrote a
small program that uses this approach. Give it a try and see
if it is close to what you want.
The program follows in the next couple of messages.
Lawrence A. Westhaver
Sysop, QuickBASIC BBS
Data: (301) 799-8564
Voice: (301) 799-1975
--- TCOMMail 1.3
* Origin: The Transponder - Satellite Tv Information System (TComm
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Larry Westhaver
To: David Tucker Msg #219, 12-Dec-88 02:48am
Subject: effects
'% %
'% HumbleWare Custom Programming 12/12/1988 %
'% %
'% Routine to "shake" the screen by reprogramming the 6845 %
'% CRT controllers viewport into video RAM. %
'% %
'draw frame within screen for reference
LOCATE 9, 11
PRINT CHR$(201); STRING$(58, 205); CHR$(187)
FOR I% = 10 TO 19
LOCATE 20, 11
PRINT CHR$(200); STRING$(58, 205); CHR$(188)
LOCATE 14, 30
PRINT "Lets see what's shaking!"
LOCATE 15, 33
PRINT "Press ESC to Quit"
'shake screen until escape key is pressed
DO UNTIL KeyHit$ = CHR$(27)
'move viewport into video RAM by 3 text lines
Lines% = 3
'turn text lines into register values
Lo% = (Lines% * 80) MOD 256
Ho% = (Lines% * 80) \ 256
'request access to register 12
OUT &H3D4, 12
'program register 12
OUT &H3D5, Ho%
'request access to register 13
OUT &H3D4, 13
'program register 13
OUT &H3D5, Lo%
'pause a moment for effect
Start! = TIMER
DO WHILE TIMER < Start! + .01
Continued in next message...
--- TCOMMail 1.3
* Origin: The Transponder - Satellite Tv Information System (TComm
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Larry Westhaver
To: David Tucker Msg #220, 12-Dec-88 02:50am
Subject: effects
'restore viewport into video RAM
Lines% = 0
'turn text lines into register values
Lo% = (Lines% * 80) MOD 256
Ho% = (Lines% * 80) \ 256
'request access to register 12
OUT &H3D4, 12
'program register 12
OUT &H3D5, Ho%
'request access to register 13
OUT &H3D4, 13
'program register 13
OUT &H3D5, Lo%
'pause a moment for effect
Start! = TIMER
DO WHILE TIMER < Start! + .01
'capture any keypress waiting
KeyHit$ = INKEY$
'do it again
--- TCOMMail 1.3
* Origin: The Transponder - Satellite Tv Information System (TComm
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Larry Stone
To: Dave Cleary Msg #221, 07-Dec-88 01:31am
Subject: Re: BASIC Tools
DL> I just can't seem to get my other libraries to function properly.
DL> The two files that I mentioned are writen in assembler so I can't use
DL> the make lib from within QuickBASIC, it will have to be done outside
DL> the environment.
I don't recall whether your original message said if you are trying to update
your qb.qlb library with your assembler routines or not. I use several C
routines and keep them in a seperate qlb library. I inform the QB environment
that I intend to use them by calling QB this way:
qb /g/l<complete path and library.qlb>
The /g informs QB that passed parameters must be read from right to left.
QB still loads the qb.qlb and also loads my other qlb library.
Hope this helps,
* Origin: ╬ CfC#16 ╬ Coos Bay 503/269-1935 (8:7000/16) ╬ (Opus 1:30046/0)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Larry Stone
To: Alistair Stewart Msg #222, 07-Dec-88 01:31am
Subject: Re: Zone 3
AS> I do have a fairly specific question for you all though....
AS> I have found that using the TIMER function when using assembler
AS> proceedures tends to currupt the string space and all kinds of other
AS> nastys. Has anyone else noticed this
I have not yet found any need to use the TIMER function. When I need to use
a timed procedure, I use the TIME$ function because it works approximately
4.4 times faster than the TIMER command. I also use upwards of a dozen "C"
modules and have not experienced any difficulty with them (I don't have any
ASM routines). In fact, the only major problem that QB presents was/is the
SHELL. As soon as I get a few dollars together, I intend to by MicroHelp's
new SHELL module. Their shell is a true shell and should overcome some of
the difficulties that Microsoft's built-in shell has.
* Origin: ╬ CfC#16 ╬ Coos Bay 503/269-1935 (8:7000/16) ╬ (Opus 1:30046/0)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Larry Stone
To: David Looney Msg #223, 07-Dec-88 01:32am
Subject: Re: Quick Libraries.
DL> I just can't seem to get my other libraries to function properly.
DL> The two files that I mentioned are writen in assembler so I can't use
DL> the make lib from within QuickBASIC, it will have to be done outside
DL> the environment.
I don't recall whether your original message said if you are trying to update
your qb.qlb library with your assembler routines or not. I use several C
routines and keep them in a seperate qlb library. I inform the QB environment
that I intend to use them by calling QB this way:
qb /g/l<complete path and library.qlb>
The /g informs QB that passed parameters must be read from right to left.
QB still loads the qb.qlb and also loads my other qlb library.
Hope this helps,
* Origin: ╬ CfC#16 ╬ Coos Bay 503/269-1935 (8:7000/16) ╬ (Opus 1:30046/0)
*** This is a reply to #204.
From: Larry Stone
To: Dave Cleary Msg #224, 07-Dec-88 01:42am
Subject: Re: BASIC Tools
LS> ' *****************************************************
LS> ' * Applying PRINT USING to a string. *
LS> ' * Credit Greg Anderson for original idea (?). *
LS> ' * Published in the BUG NEWSLETTER Vol. 2, No. 4 *
LS> ' * Modified by Larry Stone for QB4. *
LS> ' *****************************************************
LS> OPEN "NUL" FOR RANDOM AS #1 LEN = 84 '80 cols + 4 bytes for
LS> overflow,
DC>> If you use DOS 3.x, then you need to open the nul as
DC>> If you open it the way you suggest, no harm is done, but the light for
DC>> drive a will come on and stay on.
Thanks for the info, Dave - I use DOS 3.2 on a Tandy 3000 HD and haven't
noticed this glitch with Tandy's proprietary DOS. However, I can see how the
"NUL" statement could cause the glitch you mentioned. Since I do a lot of
programming that attempts to be standardized for all kinds of IBM compatables,
I will modify my code to read "\DEV\NUL".
By the way, if I need to keep a floppy drive on, I first start the motor
running with any command that will access the disk. Example:
POKE &H40, 255 'Sets the maximum run time value.
' I do my file I/O here.
To turn off the motor, the source code reads:
OUT &H3F2, 12
I found this code in the BUG NEWSLETTER, Vol. 2, No. 6
Thanks again,
* Origin: ╬ CfC#16 ╬ Coos Bay 503/269-1935 (8:7000/16) ╬ (Opus 1:30046/0)
*** This is a reply to #221.
From: Larry Stone
To: Alistair Stewart Msg #225, 07-Dec-88 01:43am
Subject: Re: Zone 3
AS> I do have a fairly specific question for you all though....
AS> I have found that using the TIMER function when using assembler
AS> proceedures tends to currupt the string space and all kinds of other
AS> nastys. Has anyone else noticed this
I have not yet found any need to use the TIMER function. When I need to use
a timed procedure, I use the TIME$ function because it works approximately
4.4 times faster than the TIMER command. I also use upwards of a dozen "C"
modules and have not experienced any difficulty with them (I don't have any
ASM routines). In fact, the only major problem that QB presents was/is the
SHELL. As soon as I get a few dollars together, I intend to by MicroHelp's
new SHELL module. Their shell is a true shell and should overcome some of
the difficulties that Microsoft's built-in shell has.
* Origin: ╬ CfC#16 ╬ Coos Bay 503/269-1935 (8:7000/16) ╬ (Opus 1:30046/0)
*** This is a reply to #222.
From: Marv Shelton
To: Harry Carver Msg #226, 09-Dec-88 05:33pm
Subject: video mode
> Does anyone have a fragment of code that will determine what video mode
> you are in, when your program starts, so that it can be restored on exit?
A good place to look is in the TORUS.BAS demo file that comes with QUICKBasic.
It includes code to determine if you have an MGA,CGA,EGA, or VGA and how to
put whichever into various graphics modes.
--- msged 1.94S ZTC
* Origin: The MICRO Rm BBS (201) 245-6614 (1:107/319)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Marcel Madonna
To: David Tucker Msg #227, 09-Dec-88 09:03pm
Subject: DMA?
> Has anyone ever used the INP or OUT statements?
> if so, where could I get a list of ports? I have norton's
> programmer's guide, but haven't seen anything on it. I
> think port 97 is the speaker, but not sure. would be using
> qb4.5.
The best reference I have seen on ports is the COMPAQ tech ref manual. It
applies, of course, to COMPAQ's primarily. Many computers use the same chips,
so some of the info will apply to a lot of different computers.
The major drawback is the price (I paid $80).
Keep in mind that playing with the ports id the most 'NON-PORTABLE'
programming technique around.
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: NightFlyer - Arvada, CO (303)467-9199 (1:104/210)
*** This is a reply to #215.
From: Troy Jones
To: All Msg #228, 17-Dec-88 05:25am
Subject: ANSI
I need some help(As most of us here do). I am in the process of writing a
terminal program, and I can't get it to accept ANSI color codes, or for that
matter, screen codes either. I heard someone say that someone had the
rountines for sale or something, but i don't wanna buy them, unless they are
under 5.00! But anyway, if anyone know how I could do this, please lemme
know! I am in the last stages of version 1.0, and I need
this part done. Also, anyone who has ANY protocols in their basic source,
please lemme know. I need those also. Thanks.
* Origin: Software Silo "WOC'n the Valley" Stockton, CA. HST (Opus 1:161/33)
*** There is a reply. See #248.
From: Ken Wetz
To: Hugh Martin Msg #229, 17-Dec-88 12:12am
Subject: slow speed of 4.0
Its because it emulates a math coproccessor.
3.0 does not unless you have one and compile with the 8087 disk, then run it
on a machine without a co proccessor.
Timed results of 3.0 with the emulator and 4.0 are close.
Wish I could switch the emulator off of 4.0.
* Origin: Crystal Vision (813) 355-1002 Take a WOC on the wild side ! (Opus
*** There is a reply. See #250.
From: David Tucker
To: All Msg #230, 17-Dec-88 07:56am
Subject: Stuff
Can QB be used to write device drivers? What about memory resident programs?
with a TSR, I figure one could write the program that is idle and has a key
trap in it, then run it, but one of the lines, strategically placed would do
the interrupt for TSR. then one should be able to hit the trapped key
sequence and it would work. Sounds like it would be simple to me,
any ideas?
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Above Board - HST - Sarasota, Fl (813) 377-1470 (1:137/10)
From: Bob Ransom
To: Kevin Watkins Msg #231, 17-Dec-88 08:33am
Subject: Re: Exiting to errorlevel
-> TYPE RegType ' Define the type needed for
Thanks, Kevin. After seeing this, I thing Larry Westhave had a good idea
for the QB developers to include in a later version -- a command to END (n)
with n being the errorlevel exited with.
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: The CREATIVE CONNECTION-Southfield, MI-(313) 559-9039 (1:120/96)
*** This is a reply to #208.
From: Jack Decker
To: All Msg #232, 17-Dec-88 11:03am
Subject: LTRIM$ and RTRIM$ statements
Are the LTRIM$ and RTRIM$ statements unique to QuickBASIC version 4.0 and
higher, or do they appear in either QuickBASIC version 3.0 or TurboBASIC as
Also, what about long integers? Are they in any other version of BASIC?
--- Ned 2.00/Beta 3
* Origin: Northern Bytes BBS - LCRnet (77:1011/8) / Fidonet (1:154/8)
From: Tony Mace
To: All Msg #233, 18-Dec-88 01:37pm
Subject: Help
I need a address that I can peek in memory to tell me the status of the
CD for the com port. I need this AFTER i have opened the com port and sent
a modem init string. Any suggestions or help please......
--- Via Silver Xpress V1.112ß Silver Xpress....All the Way!!
* Origin: Towne Crier Systems »Hst« Big Sky Country!, 12a-6a Opus: (1:346/4)
From: Brice Fleckenstein
To: Tim Krahling Of 261/1041 Msg #234, 18-Dec-88 12:05pm
Subject: Re: QB 40 AND RBBS
Why are you using "line input"?
A regular "input" should work the way you want it.
--- TBBS v2.0
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ San Diego [619-281-7377] (202/306)
*** This is a reply to #165.
From: Mike Hamilton
To: Del Dawley Msg #235, 19-Dec-88 04:35pm
Subject: Re: Sorts
-> I am trying to do a sort on a dimensioned string.
Well, here is a rather slow way if you have a huge number of arrays, but it
gets the job done....
DIM A(100)
FOR c = 1 TO 99
FOR d = c+1 TO 100
IF A(c) < A(d) THEN SWAP A(c), A(d)
Yes, the infamous exchange sort. If you want a quicker one (QuickSort),
I'll put the source for that up....
- Mike Hamilton
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: The Mystic Tribunal, N. Andover, Ma. (508)689-4493 (1:324/131)
*** This is a reply to #198.
From: George Starr
To: Tony Ruggeri Msg #236, 17-Dec-88 10:36am
Subject: Re: Another BUG?!!
do you have a sub named r? or a global variable named r?
george starr
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: The Train Board of Mason Ohio (1:108/96)
*** This is a reply to #200.
From: David Blair
To: Jack Decker Msg #237, 18-Dec-88 09:25am
Subject: Nasty QB4 bug
After running the compiled program that did NOT run properly in DOS, under
Codeview, it ran correctly.
I don't know what the problem is, but its a doozy....
--- ConfMail V3.31
* Origin: St. Louis Heath User's Fido - St. Louis, MO. (1:100/512)
*** This is a reply to #185.
From: Hugh Martin
To: Larry Stone Msg #238, 18-Dec-88 09:37am
Subject: Exceeding 64K string space
Can you give me more detailed information on exceeding the 64K string space
limit? I have been bumping up against it and really need more string space.
To minimize the memory required to store large quantities of data, I'm using
two long strings with each character representing a data item (0 to 255). I'd
sure like to put these strings somewhere else in memory and allow both lengths
to extend up to 32,767 bytes.
* Origin: COSUG - Colorados Premier Users' Group (Opus 1:128/13)
From: Brice Fleckenstein
To: Joseph Landman Msg #239, 18-Dec-88 09:41pm
You're confusing BASCOM versions with QuickBASIC versions.
Kind of like the difference between MSC and QuickC....
--- TBBS/Bink
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ San Diego [619-281-7377] (202/306)
*** This is a reply to #127.
From: Brice Fleckenstein
To: Wesley Williams Msg #240, 18-Dec-88 09:42pm
There is an option on the Compile menu to do Standalone (.EXE) programs.
Still, a switch that was SAVED would be nice....Turbo's environment is STILL
a little better than Quick's, overall.
--- TBBS/Bink
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ San Diego [619-281-7377] (202/306)
*** This is a reply to #116.
From: Brice Fleckenstein
To: Keith Hess Msg #241, 18-Dec-88 09:44pm
When working through a FOSSIL driver, try just opening "CONS:" as a file and
then writing all of your output to that file. Input should be taken from
"INKEY$" statements.
Works for me, anyway - let the Fossil do all that dirty comm port handling!
--- TBBS/Bink
* Origin: Star Fleet Battles HQ San Diego [619-281-7377] (202/306)
*** This is a reply to #195.
From: Harry Carver
To: Marv Shelton Msg #242, 20-Dec-88 07:29am
Subject: video mode
thanks. Will check it out..... Sometimes we are slow to
review what we already have.
* Origin: FOG-LINE;Region 14 EC;Ankeny,515-964-7937 (Opus 1:14/627)
*** This is a reply to #226.
From: Harry Carver
To: Larry Westhaver Msg #243, 20-Dec-88 07:31am
Subject: effects
Hi, tried your "shake" program, nice.....
Do you have a version that works on Monochrome?
* Origin: FOG-LINE;Region 14 EC;Ankeny,515-964-7937 (Opus 1:14/627)
*** This is a reply to #220.
From: Bob DeAlmeida
To: All Msg #244, 17-Dec-88 12:32pm
Subject: Qbasic News
Is there a Quick Basic News.. If so would someone tell me where I can
FR'eg if from and where it originates from..
--- msged 1.94S ZTC
* Origin: To Go Where No BBs Has Gone Before (1:324/170)
From: Troy Jones
To: Joey Capps Msg #245, 19-Dec-88 03:44am
Subject: Re: BackSpace
No problem.
* Origin: Software Silo "WOC'n the Valley" Stockton, CA. HST (Opus 1:161/33)
*** This is a reply to #191.
From: Troy Jones
To: All Msg #246, 19-Dec-88 03:56am
Subject: DOS Shelling
I have a problem. When I shell to DOS from Quickbasic, and I come back into
Quickbasic, then run the terminal program I am writing, sometimes I get a
device Unavaiable error. The error message comes from within the program.
When this happens, the modem in inactive. I have to do a cold boot, then
re-run the program, and it works fine, until I shell to DOS a few more times.
Anyone know whats wrong?
* Origin: Software Silo "WOC'n the Valley" Stockton, CA. HST (Opus 1:161/33)
From: Dale Ziner
To: Tom Smith Msg #247, 21-Dec-88 04:43pm
Subject: Re: Mac to PC port
Thanks for the info.
I'm just starting to learn QB. I know line basic pretty good; but its verry
limited in what it can do sizewise.
--- ConfMail V3.31
* Origin: C.O.N.T.R.O.L. « WOC'in the line » (612)591-7670 (1:282/15)
*** This is a reply to #190.
From: Christopher Young
To: Troy Jones Msg #248, 20-Dec-88 08:10am
Subject: Re: ANSI
Do you mean that your term program won't send ansi, or doesn't know what
to do with it once it has received a ansi escape sequence??
You can route all input from modem through DOS and thus the ANSI driver.
It is a bit slow at 1200 baud though, painful at 300.
You would do this by opening the console as output (open "con" for ...)
and then sending the string to the file and wola.. If you want to increase
speed using this method, you'd have to do some pre-processing
of the incomming data.. meaning, while reading in data, jump to your
ansi routine when you detect chr(27),read in the rest of the command
sequence, and send it to the console file. Then, you could print all
remaining data.. Try Experimenting with that..
RE:I head of someone doing something with ansi here...
Well, I read back through the messages and the only One I know of was
me, I mentioned I had a 'door' program and it handles all of the ansi
codes (well the most used ones that is). As for $5.00... I guess I could
negotiate on that.. give you certain parts of the door to help your
development..let me know if your interested (the ansi routines are fully
documented to show what's going on)..
Christopher Young
--- ConfMail V3.31
* Origin: Terminus -- The Programmers Interchange (1:147/42)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: John Richter
To: Troy Jones Msg #249, 20-Dec-88 02:40am
Subject: Re: ANSI
You should use OPEN CONS: AS # whatever and only print to
this device (uses bios) and not direct screen writes so your ansi
strings do what there supposed to do. But remember that you must
uses ANSI to (set colors,move cursor,clear screen) or anything
else screen related ok..
John Richter
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Automation[Binkley-OPUS] The Iron Man Cometh (1:124/5208)
*** This is a reply to #248.
From: Mike Kirchner
To: Ken Wetz Msg #250, 19-Dec-88 07:37pm
Subject: Re: slow speed of 4.0
> Wish I could switch the emulator off of 4.0.
If I remember correctly, try linking with /NOE command.
* Origin: Field Street BBS Dalton, MA 413-684-1938 (Opus 1:321/212)
*** This is a reply to #229.
From: Bill Wilhelm
To: All Msg #251, 19-Dec-88 10:20pm
Subject: HERC CARD
Interested in purchasing the QBASIC PACKAGE
but...does it support herc graphics? This
is the only thing I have at the moment.
* Origin: Field Street BBS Dalton, MA 413-684-1938 (Opus 1:321/212)
[251] Highest: 251
ECHO area 48 ... Quick BASIC language echo
Type `?' by itself for help
A)rea change N)ext (read msg) P)rior msg E)nter message
R)eply =)read non-stop -)read original +)read reply
L)ist (brief) I)nquire M)AIN MENU G)oodbye (logoff)
K)ill message U)pload